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I twirled my wand around my fingers as I waited for the lecture to start.

Professor Flitwick had suggested that he would be giving out a pop quiz for the beginning of the class, however, no one was certain of his intentions.

And alas, as the clock stroke four o'clock, in came a short man, shorter than the many desks that towered above him.

"Good morning everyone- I mean- afternoon." He called as he carried his large stack of papers toward his desk.

A quiet murmur that had been stirring came to a rest as the professor made his way up to his desk.

It took him about two minutes, but he made it to the top of his lecture board. "I apologize for the delay. However, today... how may I help you, madam?"

Everyone's eyes danced over toward the door where a woman as vibrant as the sun took several steps forward.

Her heels clicked against the floor; creating a sound that mimicked thunder with every step.

CLICK! CLOMP! CLICK! CLOMP! Her shoes threatened all those that might possibly be in the way of them.

The woman stopped a few feet from the professors desk. "Yes. I believe you can. I need a y/n. Y/n y/l/n to be exact."

And then every pair of eyes in the classroom turned to me.

Including those of the woman I now recognized as Rita Skeeter.

"Ah. There you are. I just need to borrow her for a mere moment." Said Rita with enthusiasm.

Professor Flitwick pondered on the decision for a moment. With the rumours of Rita Skeeter taking more time than she claimed, he would most likely assume it would take as much time as his lecture.

A gentle sigh escaped his lips. "Alright. But please do return her. Y/n, you are excused as of right now."

Rita's long nails curled around her wand as he played with it in mere boredom.

We now sat in a very closed space. 'We must keep away from all distractions.' Claimed the author; though even now she found herself entertained with something off topic.

"Ma'am. If you don't mind, I have a lecture to return to." I chimed in.

She looked up, loosing her train of thought. A bright smile landed upon her face. "Yes yes. My apologies." She snapped her fingers and a quill and scroll of text appeared, floating just above her shoulder.

"Let's start with your name."

"Erm- my name is y/n, y/n y/l/n." I stated looking about the small space.

She nodded and her quill scurried away. "And how is your relationship with your parents. Others have claimed that since your last birthday, you haven't spent time with them. In fact, they claim that you spend all your time with the Weasley family."

I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. "Well.... I don't have the best relationship with my parents. They've done some... Very messed up things. I still love them, of course. I just prefer spending time with the Wealsey's. They're much more accepting."

She clicked her tongue and looked down. "That must be very confusing for you."

I shrugged and twiddled with my fingers.

"What about your relationship with a specific two Wealseys? Fredrick and George Weasley, to be precise."

"Oh. Yeah no. They're like brothers to me." I replied, straining my neck to catch a glimpse of what the quill was writing.

5 O' Clock ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now