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(Now before we begin our story again, I'd just like to take a minute to appreciate each and every single one of you that have stuck with this story. Your comments make my day. Anyways. ONTO THE STORY)

"Why you insolent little-"

Voldemort shut his mouth when he felt the tip of someone's wand press into the back of his neck.

"Lower your wand." Narcissa's voice was barely above a whisper, yet Voldemort caught every word. She pressed her wand farther into his neck as he hesitated.

Then he dropped it. And he slowly turned around to face her.

"This isn't you. You wouldn't betray me just for Severus, now would you? Only a fo-"

"Shut up." She shouted, pressing her wand further into his neck.

It pressed against his throat, causing him to gag slightly. "Alright-"

Soon, other witches and wizards began to surround the three of them.

Severus withdrew his wand and pressed it against the Dark Lord's back.

"Any last words, Mr. Riddle?" He whispered behind him.

Voldemort audibly swallowed, attempting to make the lump in his throat go away.

As more and more people surrounded him, however, he seemed to grow more vulnerable.

And almost in unison, the group of wizards took several steps forward, making the circle smaller.

Each pointed their wand toward the dark lord. Each held a look of distaste.

"You've all been so good to me. If you... If you don't do this, I'll ensure that you can help me take over the world! You can help terrorize as many muggles and mudbloods as you wish! Don't do this-"

"Poor choice of words if I must say myself." Lucius stated, taking a step forward to stand next to his wife. He pressed his wand next to hers, but he wasn't as gentle when he touched the dark Lord's skin.

"You'll all regret this. I'll come back. Someone will bring me back I say!" He shouted.

"Oh my lord. Just up you intolerant swine." Lucius scoffed.

"Then kill me! What are you waiting for? Hmm? You cowards."

"Well. We're waiting for a friend to arrive. Someone that would be more than happy to bring you to your death." Severus explained.

And almost as if she was summoned herself, Minerva McGonagall approached the gathered group.

"Well. Well. Well." She stated, managing to get through the crowd of wizards. "Little Tom Riddle has gone too far with his little games I see. Must explain why your nose is missing."

"Is that all?" Voldemort shouted at her.

"Yes. I think that is. You've had your final words I see. So. Let's get on with this." She stated.

Her gaze shifted behind him at Severus. "Would you like to do the honors, Mr. Snape?"

"I think you ought to." He responded.

Minerva gave a simple smile before he raised her wand and pressed it to the temple of the the Lord's head.

"Goodbye Tom. Avada Kedavra!" She shouted, and a green flash erupted from the tip of her wand, immediately disappearing into the skull of the man below her.

After a few seconds, she removed her wand. As did the others, and the now pale corpse of Voldemort fell to the ground, a glossy look overtook his eyes.

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