Idk anymore

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(Idk when this is going to post besties 😫😫😫. The emojis in cursive look weird af. Anyways!)

Seven days. Seven days since he had been near me. Seven days since he had said a word to me. Seven days since he had even glanced in my direction. 

It was fine. He was emotionally draining. And I was too stressed with the upcoming exams. It didn't matter anyways. It was fine.

Thats what I tried to convince myself. But deep down inside, I knew that I wanted him in my life, If seven days seemed like an eternity, what would the rest of my life feel like without him.

"Whatcha thinking about there pal?" George asked, taking me out of my thoughts. Fred smiled from beside him and rested his chin on his fist as he looked fondly at me.

"Probably Snaddy." Fred responded. "Or this mystery man that Ron claimed seeing her with."

I didn't pay attention to their antics; instead I just dropped my fork and ran a hand over my face. Fred sat up straighter once I did that. "Hey kiddo, what's wrong?"


George frowned. "Come on, bud. You can tell us anything."

I cleared my throat and brushed the loose strands of hair out of my face. "He told me to leave, so the there I left. God. I'm an imbecile aren't I?"

Fred shook his head, looking up at George slightly. His brother cupped my cheeks and turned my head to look at him. "Listen to me. Thats not fair. You're not idiotic, or stupid, or a monster, or anything you might think that you are. Now, if you don't smile right now, I am going to kiss you to make you smile."

I shook my head and looked down. George lifted my chin slightly and gave a small smile. I shook my head again and glanced at his shoes. I felt his lips land on my forehead. "I know that you're scared. I know he is fucking with you. I want you to know, that is doesn't matter. Wherever you want to go, we will be on the road with you. I want you to know, that we love you. So he doesn't matter."

Fred nodded in agreement and placed his hand on my shoulder. "It'll be okay bud." He whispered soothingly. "And whoever it is that hurt your feelings can and will get the karma he deserves." My eyes drifted over to the staff table. Fred gave my cheek a light smack. "Stop it. Looking at him makes it harder. You'll find another. I know it makes you want to cry."

George stood up. "Fuck it. Come along y/n, we are going to go get ice cream." He announced with a smile.

"I'm good, you two go have fun. I've got to study anyways." I lied, scratching the back of my neck. Fred frowned slightly and stood up, nodding to George. 

George sighed. "Alright. We will be at Hogsmeade if you change your mind." He stated, shoving his hands into his pockets.

My gaze drifted to the staff table as I glanced at the Potion Master. His hands were folded together, and he was staring at a Seventh year in Hufflepuff. 

I stood up and walked away. I refused to watch him drool over someone else.

Fred and George tossed a ball between one another. "So. How did it go?" Fred asked, casting a glance over at me. I looked up from my book. 


"How did it go!" George repeated for him. 

My eyebrows ruffled together in confusion. "You're both confusing me." I stated, letting out a soft sigh before my eyes returned to the book. 

Fred stopped tossing the ball and stood up, walking toward me. George followed his actions and took a seat beside me. "Whatcha reading?"

I glanced at him in the corner of my eye. "A book."

Fred began laughing loudly as George's expression changed from a happy one to an annoyed one. "Fred, shut it."

"Make me!" Fred countered, sticking his tongue out at his brother.

I slammed my book close. "If you two don't stop, I will make both of you shut it before I drop kick your asses onto the quidditch field."

Both George and Fred went silent after that, staring at me with wide eyes. Fred glanced at George and nodded,

George did the same and they both stood up. "We will be back. Give us a moment." He said, a wicked smile creeping onto his lips.

I shook my head, not wanting to have anything to do with them at that moment. Fred winked at me and closed the door behind him.

Finally. Some peace and quiet. I thought and opened the book once more. I wasn't actually reading it. I mean, I was. But I wasn't processing what was going on. My mind was preoccupied with other things at the moment.

Those said other things had been driving me insane for hours. 5 hours to be exact. I hadn't shared a conversation with him within that time, but he was on my mind. Whether he was invited in there or not.

Fred kicked the door open again, causing me to jump from the noise. "What the fuck, Weasley?!" I asked, sitting up slightly more.

"Yes. Right this way, Professor." George said urgently and followed Fred into the room. My heart dropped when he brought Professor Snape into the room.

His expression softened when he gazed upon my face. "You said that Ms. Y/N was hurt- George Weasley if you wasted my time-"

George threw his hands up into the air. "We all know that you two are crazy over one another so just get it over with and kiss already."

Professor Snape stared at me longingly as Fred and George took a step backward. "Go ahead, we haven't all day." Fred urged.

I turned my attention to him. "Seriously? You think that this is just going to fix my mood? Fuck off with you."

George raised a brow. "We are only trying to help-"

"Well you aren't helping. You're doing the opposite." I hissed back at them. "If you two don't leave then I will." I stated, swallowing hard as I glared at my friends.

Fred turned to George and muttered "It must be that time of the month again." George nodded in agreement.

Severus turned his unamusedgaze toward the boys. "Bold of you to assume that she is on her menstrual process simply because she is frustrated with two boys as immature as yourselves. Now. You heard her. You have no business being within y/n's presence if you are going to disrespect and assume things about her." 

Fred made eye contact with George and nodded with a wide grin that his brother shared. "Alright sir. See ya." He stated and waved.

The two boys quickly left the room, leaving the two of us in silence. Just as I was about to break it, Professor Snape cleared his throat. "I would first like to say, I am very sorry."

I blinked a few times in confusion before he sighed. "I see from the look upon your face that you are confused. Now, I am not sure if you forgot what I did, or if you are choosing to ignore it, but I can no longer avoid the confrontation. So. I apologize profoundly for leavingyou at such a vulnerable state. It was very unethical of me, and I was clearly thinking of my best interest. I am sorry. I don'tsay this often, but I truly did something that is unforgiving..."

I raised a brow as he spoke. "Okay?"

His eyes drifted to my own as he looked down upon me with confusion. "Pardon?"

"I said okay. Are you going deaf?" I repeated and the Potions Master looked down. "What did you expect? Instant forgiveness? The only reason that Fred and George brought you here was because I was upset. You're not going to help it. So. If you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than to sit here and sulk." I stated and pushed past him.

"Y/n- wait-" he responded, reaching for my arm.

I let my gaze fall to the floor. "Goodbye Professor." I replied, walking past him.

His eyes followed me as I passed; his attempts to hold me back failing. A bad feeling occurred in my gut as I walked away. The burning in the back of my neck never disappeared as I left from his sight.

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