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(Anyways.. Let's get back to your perspective🤪)

I stared in horror as Severus fell to the ground.

He didn't flinch, he didn't even move.

I locked eyes with Lucius for a brief moment, then he grabbed the other man by the collar of his shirt and fled the area as quickly as he could.

And then I sprinted toward Severus, every single fraction of hope I had disappearing into the air as I approached him.

Then I stood above his stilled body; and my heart shattered.

I fell to my knees as I attempted to steady myself.

My eyes glanced at every inch of him. Water began to form in them, causing an unpleasant sting.

And then, by some miracle, he began coughing violently. His hand went to cover his mouth, and that was when he glanced up and saw me.

A weak smile formed onto his lips as he stared up at me.

"Hey gorgeous." He whispered hoarsley.

My heart began to pound inside of my chest as he slowly lifted his hand up against my cheek.

"Oh thank god you're alive."

"Of course I'm alive." He replied, sitting himself up.

With much resistance from his body, he slowly stood to his feet.

I stood up as well, offering a bit of support if he needed it.

"You think I sold it?" He asked, grimacing as he took a painful step.

"Well you scared me half to death so yeah I think you did."

He let out a light chuckle. "Good. I knew they'd by it."

I shut my mouth and walked with him slowly as silence partook us.

"I knew Voldemort would find out about us. And I knew he'd come to kill me; or he'd get someone else to do it for him. I've been practicing silent spells that can somehow deflect the strongest of counters. Though I can't give myself too much credit. Batty Crouch missed his unforgivable curse."

"So you knew this would happen."

"Well I didn't expect it to happen tonight but here we are. As far as the death eaters know, I am as dead as they are alive. And you're their new victim."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you are going to fly back to Ireland and meet up with Professor Dumbledore. He is going to explain his plan to you. As far as he is concerned right now, I'm not alive either. Don't tell him- don't tell anyone that I survived."


"Y/n. I need you to lie so I can protect you. I need you to promise you won't tell another soul. Alright?"

With much hesitance, I nodded my head and continued on our path back to the hotel.

The next day had passed, and Severus had gone over his plan to defeat the dark Lord multiple times.

That meant we had to separate for a while.
"Are you ready?" Severus asked, finishing making the bed.

I let out a sigh and nodded. "Yup"

He glanced over at me, a slight frown on his face. "Don't be sad, darling. You'll see me again soon. We just have to separate for a little while. Alright?" He stated.

I didn't mean his eyes and stared at the floor instead.

He let out a sigh this time and slot approached me.

Then I felt his arms engulf me in a hug. "I promise you everything will be alright. Once you get back to Hogwarts, then I can apparate to an old house I know. Then after I get all those dark wizards to turn against Voldemort, we can be together again. I just need time. Okay?"

I still stood quietly as he spoke.

A lump in my throat had begun to form. The more he talked, the longer it would seem that I'd have to go without him.

"And then. When all this is over, you and I can be together. Without having to hide it, or pretend like we're not together. We can go wherever you want and settle down. Just the two of us."

I slowly lifted my head up to see him.

He offered a gentle smile.

And then I wrapped my arms around the back of my neck and hid my face in the crook of it.

His hands hesitantly pressed against my back.

"Please don't leave me."

"I won't." He replied, holding me closer against him.

We stayed like that for several minutes before he somehow managed to convince me to let go of him.

I grabbed my bag and left the hotel room, ignoring the pit in my stomach as I walked down the many stairs.

Without another word to anyone, I walked outside and waited for my shuttle as a million thoughts went through my mind.

"Ms. Y/n. Welcome back. How was your trip?" Professor Dumbledore asked as I approached the front gates.

"Fine." I replied blankly.

He frowned, his half moon spectacles lowering on his nose as he looked down at me. "I would really like to apologize for your loss. I understand that you and Severus were very close. And you had to watch him-"

"I don't think I'm ready to have this conversation right now sir." I stated.

He gave me a hesitant smile before he nodded his head. "Alright. Well we will be holding a remembrance assembly later next week to remember him. You're welcome to join."

(All I'm going to say is remember that)

"Thanks." I stated and pulled my jacked over my arms more before I set foot toward the school.

Dumbledore followed behind me as I walked across the empty and open path ahead.

Silence overtook us as we walked. I glanced behind me every so slightly once in a while. He was staring at the back of my head.

I kept my mind blank just in case he was invading it.

My feet carried on until I eventually made it back to the front doors of the school.

It didn't quite excite me as it once did before.

"Go on it." Dumbledore encouraged.

I let out a light sigh before I pushed the doors open and walked inside.

A loud buzz was amiss as the students walked along the halls.

Every once in a while, someone would stop and stare at me as I passed.

Then Blaise came walking down the staircase, his hands pushing Fred and George down them.

"Well. I found them sir- Oh. Hello y/n. Welcome back."

At the mention of my name, George's face lit up. And soon after, so did Fred's.

They nearly tripped over one another as they ran toward me. "Oh thank heavens you're alive!"

Fred was the first one to hug me, George wrapping his arms around the both of us.

"We were about to sneak off to France to find you." George explained.

I hesitantly hugged them back.

While I was back, I didn't feel at ease.

I thought something unexpected would happen real soon.

And little did I know, that thought would become a reality real quick.

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