Stupid Leeches

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Fred and George stood above me with wide grins on their faces. "Hey there sleepyhead. Its 10 AM. You already missed charms." 

Fred elbowed George and he laughed madly. "You're such a nice brother."

"In my defense, she isn't my sister." George elbowed Fred back. Fred returned the favor by bucking his side into George's hips.

George let out a groan of pain. "You little-"

"Boys." Said Professor McGonagall. "Leave the poor las alone. Its too early for this nonsense. You don't belong in the girls dormitory." She stated as she ushered them off.

Fred and George winked at me suggestively and ran off as McGonagall grabbed the broom and approached them. "I'm sorry dear. I told them not to bother you."

"Its quite alright professor. May I ask why you are here as well?" I asked, covering myself with the  blanket as I sat up in my bed. The others beside me were dead asleep and the light was barely rising.

Professor McGonagall gave a tight lipped smile. "Unfortunately, Professor Snape is unavailable this evening due to the meeting that Professor Dumbledore had scheduled, so you will be serving your detention with him this morning. I suggest you don't show up in your nightly wear. You have ten minutes, dear." 

I rubbed my eyes slightly. That was just ironic. I was just dreaming about Professor Snape- Oh come on! Now I'm having dreams about the grumpy old brute? That's not cool. I didn't even remember what it was about.

I stood up and fixed my covers before I turned to my trunk.

Professor Snape sat at his desk, his hands covering his face, his hair falling toward the floor. I entered the room and he remained still. I quirked a brow in confusion and shut the door behind me. 

My hand grazed over the wood lightly, turning the knob quietly. I turned around and he had stood up, his face still out of sight. 

"I apologize for the change in timing, Ms. Y/LN." His voice was rasped and shaky as he spoke, his tone darker than it normally was. He maintained eye contact with the floor as he approached me. "I assume Professor McGonagall already informed you of what we will be doing this morning?" 

I gave a slight nod of my head. "Are you alright Professor?" I asked out of pure curiosity. The worst that could happen would be....he actually tells me.

"I'm quite fine thank you for asking, how are you this morning?" He replied. That was unusual. He usually greeted me with a grunt of annoyance, a scoff, or an eye roll. Never before had I been asked how my morning, afternoon, or evening had been going so far.

It was...strange.

(How are you all doing on this fine day?)

"Professor, I'm going to be honest with you. You are doing a really bad job at hiding your mid-life crisis."

His eyes darted upward before he lifted his head and made eye contact with my own. His eyebrows narrowed and he let out a slight scoff. "Well my apologies for trying to be civil. Clearly it is the types of students such as yourselves that are the reason I don't make small talk with....literal children. That is what you are. I could care less that you are considered a 'juvenile'. You act like a delinquent."

"There he is! There is Mr. Grumpy, I thought someone broke you." I replied with a taunting smile as I masked how his words cut me like a knife.

What did I do wrong? I try so hard to please you whilst in class. I turn in all my assignments in on time, sometimes even early. I clean up after my peers, I help Mark papers, I- I- What do you want from me?! Am I just not good enough? Am i-

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