This is an even better title than the last one

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(You're gonna have to Google translatea few things. Just fair warning)

"You're going to regret ever saying that when I'm done with you." Professor Snape murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. I opened my mouth to retort, yet nothing came out as his hand snaked it's way around my throat menacingly. "Don't make your current situation worse than it already is, darling." 

My mouth went dry as his eyes trailed down my body with lust. The corner of his mouth quirked up slightly as he drew his lips near my ear. Whsat is it you want kitten?"

I swallowed hard,  no words leaving my mouth. He smirked slightly and brought his lips to my temple. "I won't do a thing to you until you beg."

"Severus, do you happen to know where the- What in Merlins beard are you doing to that poor girl?!" Asked Professor Snape as she barged into the room. "Is this why your door was locked?"

Professor Snape's mouth gaped slightly but nothing came out. "I was choking! On.... something I ate in the great hall. It got stuck, in my throat and he was just making sure that there wasn't anything else there." I called out as soon as the excuse popped into my mind.

Professor McGonagall glanced down. "That doesn't explain why his door was locked."

"He said that it kept jamming like that and that he was looking into fixing that this evening. In fact, that was the reason I am here. To help assist him in fixing his office door."

She looked down at me with confusion before she sighed. "Just ask Madam Hooch for help, Severus. She knows how to do more handy work then you do, I know that for a fact. As for you, Ms. Y/n, we ought to get you down to Mada, Pomfrey's so she can assure us all that you won't be choking on anything in the middle of the night." She insisted as her hand landed on the small of my back, gesturing to the door.

I glanced over my shoulder at Snape. He stared back, though I wasn't sure if he was disappointed or not.

Another week had passed since I got any word from Professor Snape. Though he wasn't purposefully ignoring me. Whenever we passed one another in the hall, he would try and say something, but Professor McGonagall would always be there. In his classroom, whenever I went to a detention, I was accompanied by another professor throughout the whole period. So, I knew it was not his fault.

Clearly this lack of communication was bothering him as well. His hair seemed less kept, symptoms of being sleep-deprived were clear, and he was constantly trying to get me alone with him. Unfortunately, no such luck.

"Hello? Earth to Professor Snape?" I said in confusion as I stood in front of his desk, waving my hand in front of his face as he stared at the floor with frustration. His eyes darted to the door, watching as Professor McGonagall entered the room.

"Sit down you little brat." He hissed, glaring at me as he stood up abruptly. "Today you will be cleaning the cauldrons, they are directly behind you. Get to work while I have a word with Professor McGonagall."

I nodded in confusion and turned around, headed toward the endless abiss of dirty cauldrons. Professor Snape approached McGonagall quickly, urgency in his steps as he neared her. 

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