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(Whatever I'm going to keep publishing this until it actually works)

"Wake up."

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard his voice. "Jesus christ- What the fuck-"

"Watch your language."  Professor Snape commented, rolling his eyes as he pushed the rest door open with his foot.

"Sorry!" I replied, throwing my hands up in defense. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. 

"Get ready, we will be visiting the malfoys." He stated and turned around, nearly shutting the door before I cut him off.

"Wait!" I stopped for a brief moment and eyed him warily. "The malfoys as in Lucius, Draco, and Narcissa?"

Severus sighed and rolled his eyes before he pulled the door open with clearly forced smile. "I take it you're a fan of theirs?"

I scoffed. "And do I have an option?"


His lips curled into a taunting smile and I let out a groan. "Finee."

"Stop arguing with me or I will force you to study with Draco." Severus muttered under his breath as he approached the steps of the Malfoy's house. 

A tall, slender man with long blonde hair stood in the entrance with a sly grin planted upon his pursed lips. "Ah! Severus. My old friend. There you are. I see you've brought a guest."

Severus sighed. "You know why I brought her." He stated coldly. "Now let's drop the pleasantries, I must speak with your wife."

Lucius frowned and placed his hands together neatly. "You've just missed her. Narcissa and her sister, Bellatrix, just left. Such a pity that you couldn't have come any sooner. Speaking of which, is there any reason why you are so late?"

Severus glanced at his watch. "Two minutes late. Wow. Thats so long." He scoffed.

The blonde haired man shook his head with a smile. "Very well. Come in then, come in. I've just made tea."

I glanced at Professor Snape with confusion. What the actual fuck is going on?

"Just follow my lead." Severus ordered quietly. I nodded with no idea on what to do next and followed him inside.

Lucius waited for us to catch up and fell in line beside me. "Hello there madam." He whispered. "And how might you be since the last time we last interacted?"

I glanced at the potions master and he stared ahead blankly as he walked. "I've been fine." I replied, shooting a smile at Lucius.

I felt Severus's hand land on the small of my back as he slowly guided me closer to himself rather than Lucius. "Dont flirt back with him. He is trying to bed you whilst his wife is away and if he does that then it will fuck with the dar- I mean, his bosses plan."

"Are you talking about me?" Lucius raised a brow as he peered over me at Severus.

"Oh yes. We were just discussing how wonderful you are at keeping your house tidy."

Offbrand Elsa nodded with suspicion. "Right, it isn't really my doing. More of the houseleves work."

Oh right, I forgot he had like 3,000 maids to clean for him. He doesn't want to risk getting his hair near any dust mites because he cares more about his lucious locks than he does his son.

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