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(Also, I'll just leave this song here because.... you know 😏😏😏)

He smiled slightly. "Very good. Now. Geh auf deine Hände und Knie, bevor ich dich über diesen Schreibtisch beuge und dich sofort von hinten nehme."

My eyes widened slightly as I hesitantly got down on my knees. He lifted my chin aggressively, his other hand landing on his belt. "I said hands and knees darling." With one swift move, his foot was pressed against my back, pushing me into the position of his choosing. "Good girl.  Glad to see you know how to listen for once."

My cheeks flushed red as the sound of his belt being removed  rang throughout the classroom. He dropped the leather belt down by my knees, his hands gripping my waist shortly after. "Sit up straighter, kitten." He whispered into my ear as he stood me up. "Alright, young lady, you are going to do as I say, when I say it. Are you going to comply?"

The temptation to be a smart ass came upon my mind, yet I resisted it. Perhaps another time. (Perhaps indeed 😏)

"On the desk. Now." He ordered, gesturing to the wooden slab that was filled with a large pile of paper and ink. I did as he said and a small smirk landed on his lips. "Oh? So now you want to actually obey. Very strange. Very strange indeed. I did not expect this. Especially not from a sweet young woman with such dirty thoughts." 

His hands landed on either side of my thighs, his eyes burning into my own. I faltered my gaze and instead placed my attention onto those hands of his. The ones that I constantly thought about. What they could do, and how badly I wanted them to-

His right hand suddenly landed on my thigh, his eyes filling with lust as he moved his hand further up my leg. "Oh darling, believe me. I know very well what you want my hands to do." He said seductively as his left one moved up to my cheek. "Its cute that you think you can anticipate what I am going to do."

My head snapped up and his lips immediately crashed onto my own, throwing me off guard. My eyes widened and I subconsciously threw my arms around the back of his neck. His lips separated from my own and I felt his hand immediately touch me. His hand had slid inbetween my thighs as he made eye contact with me. He lifted his index finger and imprinted it against my pantleg. "Oh God Severus!" I thought out loud. His hand gripped my jaw harshly, lifting my chin slightly.  

"That is Professor Snape to you, I am not your friend; nor your partner. I am your instructor, address me as such or you shall be punished." He hissed wickedly, letting go of my jaw as he knelt down below me. "Now, be a good girl and remove your pants, dear." 

I swallowed hard, my hands moving to the buttons of my pants. Professor Snape got impatient and tugged them down quicker than I could say accio. "We don't have much time, darling, so if you would KINDLY speed up the process by removing your knickers, that would be rather swell."

My hands slowly slid toward my underwear, my breathe shaking slightly as his hand squeezed my thigh. "Good girl." He whispered as he knelt down below me. "Now, what was it that you said that you had learned? German, was it? Well, Wenn du willst, dass ich dich erfrue, musst du ruhig sein."

His hands spread my legs at once and I blushed madly as he gave an amused smirk up at me. "You're already speaking, and I've hardly touched you yet. Perhaps you don't need preparation. Then again...." His voice trailed off as he began kissing up my thigh. He made eye contact with me as his tongue slowly guided itself into me. 

My back arched as my hand flung to my back. I could feel his smirk against me as his hands moved to my hips, gripping them tightly. His tongue slowly began to move, his right hand moving to my clit. He seemed concentrated, dazed almost, as he sped up his pace. His tongue flicked in and out of me with expertise. 

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