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My eyes fluttered open when I felt something move beneath me. "Hmm?"

"Nothing just go back to sleep, darling." I heard Severus whisper, his arms snaking underneath me. 

It felt as though the ground had lifted from beneath me, so I frantically latched onto the nearest thing for dear life.

Severus gave a light chuckle. "I won't drop you, sweetheart. I promise." He whispered soothingly into my ear before his footsteps pressed firmly into the floor, making a loud noise with each step.

I yawned slightly and looked up at him. His expression, while it had been softened, was still stern and professional.

"You know," I rested my chin on his shoulder. "Its not exactly professional to be calling me sweetheart."

His grips around me tightened, "Are you protesting?" He asked.

I shook my head and closed my eyes again. "Nope." He chuckled softly, the vibrations in his throat bouncing against my ear. "You have a nice laugh."

"Hush, you're tired. You have the same feeling of being drunk within this time period. Just.... be quiet so I can put you in your own bed."

I smirked softly and kisses below his ear. His whole body tensed and his steps paused as his breathing slowed. "Whatever you say..... 𝐷𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑦." I whispered.

His breathing became much heavier than before and it seemed at though he was rushing to the room now.

Before I could say Avada Kedavra, he had set me down in the bed. I felt the covers pull up against my chest. "Right. Sleep." He stated and planted a quick peck on my forehead before he turned on his heels and rushed out, shutting the door behind him.

(Aight warning on the next part)

Severus's Perspective:

Severus drummed his fingers against his bedframe as he sat stiff as a board. A million thoughts raced through his mind as he stared at the mirror above his ceiling. 

He was rock hard and was doing an awful job at ignoring his arousal. Nearly every thought he would think would correlate back to you. Nearly every thought deprived in the roots of what you had called him earlier. 

"Stop. You don't seriously find that attractive, do you?" He whispered quietly, exhaling softly with exasperation.

He did. He thought it was pathetic. What was even more pathetic than his arousal from it? Well the fact that you knew how much it excited him. You knew the thrill it sent down his spine. He loved hearing your sweet lips whisper those needy words.

"Stop it! You're being ridiculous!" He stated as he rolled over on his side. "Just.... go to sleep, Severus. Just go to sleep."

He felt as though the room was growing hotter with every second that ticked away. Seconds felt like minutes. Minutes felt like hours, he only lasted about 5 before he had to sit up again.

"This isn't going to work." He thought out loud, glancing down at his erection. That was what was preventing his slumber.

That and.... you. But you were the reason for his erection therefore it all recoiled back together.

"Just.....get it over with." He encouraged himself as he slid his hand underneath his boxers.

Severus rubbed his thumb over his throbbing cock, toying with the tip. He exhaled softly and attempted to clear his mind.

The household was as silent as the whisper of the wind. The only noise that could be heard was the quick pace that Severus was setting for himself.

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