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I woke up randomly.

I didn't even remember why.

It was dark outside, like all the colors of the sky disappeared and were swallowed whole into an eternal darkness.

"Mother fucker-" I said as i looked at the time. "Whatever. Now I'm up...Should I go bot-No. That would be rude..... But should I....No."

I pulled the covers back over me and stared at the ceiling.

A few minutes passed and I tossed them off again. "Ima do it anyways." I said to myself as I stood up and approached the door.

"No! Wait! He's going to be mad...... Since when did i care if he was mad." I rolled my eyes at my doubts and opened the door, taking a step into the hallway.

I paused.

"Yeah but if he's upset then he will be cranky later."

My feet retracted back into the room.

"Oh come on y/n. Just suck it up and face him like... Like someone who isn't afraid of their potions professor."

I convinced myself to leave the room again after much argument from within me. It was just a little fun after all.

My feet crept on the floor, an eery creek escaping the board beneath them everytime I stepped.

I rushed to his door, clenching my hand into a fist around the door knob.

I exhaled softly and slowly gave it a turn before I pushed the door open.

There he was, a book hiding his face and a small lamp near his bedside.

He seemed busy.

"Can't sleep?" I heard him say quietly.

My mind went blank.

His hand grabbed a slip of paper from the table beside him and he placed it in his book before he closed it and set it down.

His hands folded together as he looked at me with mild amusement.

My eyes widened as I stated at his face.

"Are you blind?" I asked as i acknowledged the glasses resting upon the bridge of his nose.

(Idc what you say, Severus doesn't have perfect vision. Besides. I wear glasses so he does too now. And Severus with glasses is a whole ass mood. 🙄)

Severus arched a brow and rolled his eyes. "They're reading glasses, dear. Reading. Glasses."

"Ahh. Gotcha. Right. So old man glasses."

A small smile played at the edges of his lips. "Right well. What are you doing up at this time?"

"I don't know. I woke up. Why are you still awake?" I replied.

He glanced up above his bed, looking at his eyebags. "Im an insomniac, darling. I'm always 'still awake,' as you would put it."

I stared at him with confusion. "Bullshit."

"You don't believe me?"

"No I believe that you're an insomniac, but I call bullshit on that being the reason you're still awake. What were you reading that was keeping you so indulged at three in the morning?"

He let out a soft sigh and sat up straighter before he patted the spot beside him. "You should get some rest. I'll try and help you sleep."

"You avoided the question-"

"If you come sit then you'll find out." Severus snapped.

I thought about it for a while before I eventually confided and approached the bed, occupying the seat beside him.

5 O' Clock ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now