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(Yall. Imma be an evil little shit and make you all have to deal with slowburn. I intended to do this in the beginning, but ima do it now. Anyways, have fun reading besties!)

"So you... kissed this dude that you liked and kinda just left?"

"Pretty much yeah. Dont ask who he is. It doesn't matter. I'm not even sure how I feel about him."

The boy nodded and placed a hand on my knee. "I'm glad that you feel comfortable enough to tell me these things. I know we haven't really talked a whole lot and we aren't really friends. But I'm glad that you want to get close to me. And I want to get close to you. We can be ranting buddies."

I laughed slightly. "Thats a brilliant idea. So. Whats up with you? Why are you on the astronomy tower drinking Butter Beer at 1:45 AM, Lee?"

He looked up at the stars with a small frown. "So. There is this girl I like. And she doesn't really know me all that much. I've liked her for around 2 years now, and I was surprised when I found out she had heard of me before. The only problem is, she is in love with someone else and I don't think I can do anything about it. Any thoughts or solutions?"

"So- you're in love with her but she likes someone else?"

"Pretty much yeah." Lee nodded and glanced at me.

"I say if she ever gets rejected or breaks up with this guy, then you should be her shoulder to cry on. The closer you get, the easier it will be for her to pickup that you like her. You could either do that or just seduce her, either way. "

He laughed wholeheartedly, returning his burning stare back at the sky.  "The moon is beautiful....." he said and looked over at me with parted lips.

"It is, isn't it?" I replied, looking up at it.

Lee exhaled softly, a slightly disappointed huff escaping his nostrils. "Alright. We should probably head back before we either fall or get caught."

"Great idea." I agreed, attempting to climb down slowly. Lee didn't hesitate to jump from, the semi- high ledge onto the concrete balcony. 

"Come on. Just jump!" Lee encouraged.

"Listen. If you want to break your ankles, be my guest, but I don't want to-" My hand slipped and in a sudden movement, I lost my grip and began falling.

(Shh. We're trying to build up Lee Jordans character. You'll get to see Snaddy in a minute. Just let me make Lee keep falling for you.)

Lee reached out and caught me in his arms before I touched the ground. "Are you trying to kill yourself? My goodness! Be careful."

I pushed myself out of his arms and brushed myself off. "Thank you, but I was being more careful then you were."

"Yet you're the one who fell into my arms. Not the other way around." He tutted.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up and help me get back to my commonroom you cocky bastard."

Lee let out a small laugh and grabbed my arm, leading me into the back entrance of the school. I followed along blindly as the boy led me from room to room.

"You better not be getting us lost, braniac." I said.

"1. I know these halls better than you and Fred combined. 2. Me and George are the ones the created these barriers so that we could sneak around undetected. 3. Thank you for calling me smart."

"You are very welcome." I responded sarcastically and followed much more contentedly.

"Shit- I forgot to get rid of the bottles..... its fine. We are almost to your commonroom. I'll just toss these before I go to my dorm."Lee said as he began to approach the entrance. "Right. Here we are."

5 O' Clock ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now