Starlit ceiling?

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Now. Where were we when I left you all hanging? Oh wait. You all thought that some *railing* was going to occur? Am I assuming correct? Well the main character of this story doesn't get railed....yet.

"You should have heeded my warning."

I backed up against my headboard, my eyes darting around for any route to escape. Now you've done it. Piss off the potions master and then not expect him to react. Bravo. Thank God he can't read my mind or else I would be in the mud right now.

"Oh? Scared are we? You're right. You have gone and done it. Get over here. Right now." He hissed, his hands drumming on the bedframe patiently. 

I swallowed hard. Shit.

"Did I stutter?" He asked sarcastically, his voice a deadly monotone as he grabbed my arm lightly and pulled me toward him. "Now. We can either learn from our mistakes and walk away without a word to one another. Or... we can do this the difficult way. I would like to personally put in, I prefer the difficult way."

I put my hands up. "Okay! Okay! Okay! Calm down. We don't need to get violent-"

"Knock it off Ms. Y/L/N. You are to listen to those who hold authority over you. You will be relieved for the evening, but you shall serve the detention tomorrow. Go to sleep if you are so exhausted." Professor Snape sighed, turning around. "Oh, and Y/L/N? Don't be late or else I truly will give you a proper punishment."

My mouth gaped slightly as he left the room with nine swift steps. What the hell did he mean by that?

I shook my head slightly, laying back down on my bed as my head hit the pillow. I drifted off to sleep with a million confused questions in my mind.

(You're going to get the next little bit in small portions because you don't remember much when you're drunk)

"Oi! Y/L/N! Come have a drink! Think of it as a bit of a thank you for covering for us the other day." Fred yelled over the noisy voices of the people in The Leaky Cauldron.

I shook my head. "Fred, you're 18. Not 21."

"I don't give a damn." Fred smiled widely as heoffered out a cup toward me. "Come on! Party with us bitch!"

I sighed and walked toward him. "One drink. Okay? Only one."

"Okay, one more drink. Thats it though Fred." I agreed, lifting the cup in my hand as Fred himself took a large sip of his drink. "Then we leave?"

"Alright. We should probably get you back now." George muttered, putting his arm around my waist as Fred danced along beside me. "I seriously hate you Fred. Why the hell do you try and get our friend drunk and then drink yourself, leaving me to take care of the both of you."

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