🍋Almost there🍋

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(Yes. Ik I'm skipping a shit ton of time. Fuck off I'm getting to the ending.)

"Well. You're officially wed. How does it feel?" She asked.

(No. I don't know how to write a wedding scene nor do I have the motivation to do that)

"Well. I feel.... Confined. Now I can't have all of my side hoes." I stated, gesturing to the ring on my finger.

Severus's jaw nearly dropped on the floor. "You had-"

"I'm joking sweetheart." I cut him off, amused to see that instant look of relief that passed his face.

Minerva folded her hands together as the cart slowly began to move. "Well. I hope you both found it satisfactory. I'm no wedding planner, but I did spend an entire month that I won't get back on this."

"I found it beyond satisfactory. Thank you very much." I stated.

"Oh yes. You're an absolute saint for helping us." Severus added.

Minerva beamed happily with her praise. "Thank you. Have either of you opened my gift yet?"

Severus glanced at her with confusion. "What-"

She shook her head and pulled an envelope out from behind her. "Of course you haven't." She mumbled. Severus stared st the envelope for a moment before Minerva cleared her throat.

"Open it you old hag." She said. Severus hesitantly grabbed it, struggling with the ribbon tied on top. "So." She turned to me. "Will you be applying for the position at Hogwarts?"

He managed to tug it off before he moved on.

"Well. If you're talking about the Muggle Studies position, no. But if you're talking about the Defense- Oh Severus I'm kidding." I stated, concealing my laughter as he shot me a dirty look for mentioning his desired position. "Perhaps I'd take my shot at the Care of Magical Creatures position. Or maybe-"

"Minerva- Oh my god." Severus grimaced, closing the card in his hand at once. "Really?"

She held a mischievous grin as she stared at the card. "Go ahead and take a look then." She stated.

I slowly took the card from Severus and opened it up. "You signed us up for- Sexual education classes."

Her grin broadened as I read it out loud. The train began to come to a stop. "Well. I've got to get back to the castle. Must prepare everything for the next school year." Minnie said, standing up and grabbing her things. "I hope you both partake in those classes. Goodbye. Have fun on your honeymoon."

And with that, she left.

I read over the card again and smiled. "For an older lady, she sure does have a great sense of humor."

Severus shook his head. "It's an inside joke between her and I. I said that we should teach sex education at Hogwarts because of how many student are... You know. And she asked if I ever took the course. And I said no. But I educated myself on my own time, obviously. So she told me she'd sign me up for classes.... We had this conversation a year after I first started teaching there."

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