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A knock occurred on the door. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty." Severus said as he pushed the door open slightly.

I sat up immediately. "What? Where am I? Who are you? What am i-"

He raised a brow and opened the door all the way. "Just a brief reminder that you are staying in my household because professor Dumbledore asked me to watch after you for the next seven days. I am your potions professor."

Well that's embarrassing, y/n.

"Oh. I forgot to mention. I do this funny little thing where I wake up at 6AM and considering that I am FORCED to let you into my home, I will not be changing my schedule for you. So. Everyday for the remainder of your time here, you'll be getting up when the sun does."

I looked around for any place to find the time. "It is 9:45 in the morning, dear. The Wealseys have asked for your appearance at Diagon Alley. And I have already owled the headmaster. He doesn't find it fit that you travel alone. So congrats, madam. You're as stuck with me as much as I am you."


He exhaled softly and went to leave but stopped himself. "Um..... breakfast. Right. You'll need that." He thought out loud.

"Dont worry professor, I can find myself something to eat."

Severus drummed his fingers against the door and opened his mouth, yet nothing came out. He nodded and left after that without another word.

"Ms. Y/l/n! That is extremely inappropriate."

"Come on professor, it was funny."

"I don't care if you found it amusing. That behavior will not be tolerated."

"Oh what are you going to do, punish me?" I mocked the professor. His cheeks tinted pink and he looked ahead, resisting the urge to scoff.

Ahead, the Weasleys stood in a gathered circle. Anyone with ears could hear Molly doing a headcount from a mile away. "Right. Ginny. Ron. George. Arthur. Charlie. Bill..... There you are Percy. Fred! Where's Fred?"

"You called me George," said one of the twins.

"Oh sorry Fred, I thought you were- wheres George then?"

"Right behind you mum. Also, I'm Fred. Not him." Fred said from beside his mother.

Molly let out an annoyed sigh, "You two better knock it off- There you two are!" Molly said when she saw us.

She seemed slightly taken aback that professor Snape was by my side. "What is he-"

"Dumbledore." Severus answered before she could finish. Her confusion changed to distaste and the two shared a disdained expression for a brief moment.

"Well thats fine. I suppose you'll just have to tag along then." Arthur stated, placing a hand on the small of Molly's back.

Fred grabbed my left arm and George grabbed my right before they pulled me away from the others for a second. "1. Why is your boyfriend coming along now? 2. Why are you staying with Snape? 3. We invited Lee so you two lovebirds can bond." Fred said.

I looked at him with mild confusion. "Professor Snape is not my boyfriend nor have I ever considered him to be. Dumbledore said some shit or whatever and now I'm stuck with the bastard. And that's fine, but I would not even consider dating Lee Jordan so I don't understand why you are calling us lovebirds-"

5 O' Clock ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now