That can be arranged

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My eyes fluttered open as light peeked through the window. It was a warm and semi-sunny day as a light breeze wafted through the small crack in the window. 

The smell of coffee, mint mouthwash, and potions surrounded me as I intook a large breathe of air. 

My body begged me to sleep for a few more minutes, but my mind convinced me to do otherwise. 

I opened my eyes completely and yawned as I looked around at my surroundings. This wasn't usually the thing that I would see when I first woke up. Perhaps the house-elves changed the decorations to a more... darker theme.

I didnt really care. It wouldn't affect me at all. If anything, it would make it easier to sleep. I loved the new fragrance that enveloped me everytime I inhaled. 

I went to stand up, but I seemed to be stuck. My eyes slowly drifted down to my waist as an arm that did not belong to me hugged me close. 

It must be Fred. I thought, an amused smile on my face.

But.... Fred smells like... fireworks and rain.... not... not coffee and mouthwash. 

My head turned slightly as the sight of long black hair told me everything I needed to know. 

Lying beside me was the shirtless potions master with his arm wrapped around my waist, his leg draping over my hip protectively.

Oh Merlins beard. What am I going to do when he wakes up?  I closed my eyes and sighed, trying to lift his arm slightly.

There was no such luck of escaping. His arm pulled me closer to his chest, his hips adjusting slightly as he rested his chin on my shoulder. 

I had never realized how nice he smelled until that moment. I much rather preferred that over the smell of two smelly Gryffindors.

His voice rambled in his throat as he hummed quietly. "Good morning."

I swallowed hard as his voice reached my ear, a slight kiss landing on my temple before he stood up. I knew my face was red. There was no way I could hide my blush. "Um... hello Professor." I stated awkwardly.

Professor Snape stood up and looked down at me with narrowed brows as he searched my face.

One moment he looked confused, the next he instantly looked like he felt regret. "I am sorry Ms. Y/L/N. I did not mean to invoke any kind of uncomfort. I realize that you are confused and I my household whilst I am underclothed. Allow me to explain-"

"Or just...don't. I can just go back to my common room and pretend you don't exist. Just like you want me to. So.... I'm just going to go now." I cut him off, standing up quickly as I turned away from him. "Um... have a good day Professor."

"No Fred. I didnt sleep with Snape. He is a gross old man that has an abnormally large nose." George mocked me as I rolled my eyes with a sigh.

I threw a pillow at him. "I didn't sleep with the fucking potions master. Just because I wasn't in my bed last night doesn't mean I was in his!"

Fred wasn't paying attention at all as he flipped another page of his book casually. "Oh wow. Thats so crazy. Tell me more." He said subconsciously.

George chucked the pillow that I had thrown at him to Fred, hitting him in the back of his head. "Oi! Prat! We are supposed to expose y/n together."

He groaned slightly and turned around in his chair. "Alright fine. Y/n. Your eyes literally don't make sense. Just- who even has y/e/c eyes anymore? Literally no one."

George looked at him with confusion. "Its a VERY common thing to see that color. So shut up Fred. I meant about y/n sneaking out and hooking up with snaddy last night-"

"Hold up, what did you just call him?" I asked

"Snaddy?" George replied. 

I sighed. "You scare me sometimes Georgie."

Fred started laughing madly at the nickname. "Its not funny."  George rolled his eyes at his brother. Fred just started laughing harder. "Stop you asshole!"

George tossed another pillow at Fred, but his brother just hid his face in the pillow to silence his laughter. "You good?" I asked, quirking a brow at Fred.

Fred took in a deep breathe with a wide smile. "Yes." He stated, still struggling to contain his laughter. "Anyways. What were you saying? That you were sleeping with snaddy?"

"Fuck you both. This is why I never hang out with you." I scoffed, standing up.

"Oh- come on! Don't be like that! He was just joking. Y/n, come back. Now you've done it Fred. You've scared off our friend...." George scolded his brother, but their voices got quieter as I walked away from them. 

"Rude." I muttered, rolling my eyes. "I didn't sleep with Professor Snape, Fred. I would rather sleep with Dumbledore than Professor Snape." I said, acting as though that was how the conversation had gone.

"Is that so?" Rumbled the deep voice of a certain professor from behind me. Shit. "Well I will have you know, y/n, that I would rather sleep with Dumbledore as well rather than sleep with you."

I sighed and slowly turned around. "Now can we both stop lying and just agree that nobody should fuck the headmaster?" He asked

I smiled slightly and nodded. "Deal."

Professor Snape smirked slightly. "Perhaps we ought to leave the sleeping with Dumbledore to Grindelwald."

"Great idea." I agreed, my gaze falling to the floor. God I want to kiss him right now. 

Professor Snape's eyes widened slightly as he looked down at me. "That can be arranged. "

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