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(Dude I've legit only got four more chapters after this one before its over-)

"Oh my lordy Lord is that a pumpkin pasty? PUMPKIN PASTY." George shouted, snatching the treat from Ron's hand.

"I'm not even going to ask." I stated.

"YOOOOO! Y/N! I LOVE THE FIT." Fred shouted.

Lee gasped dramatically. "Oh my goodness. That is just... OH MY GOSH A PUMPKIN PASTY!"

"Ignore them." Fred chuckled, slowly approaching me. "So how are you feeling?"

"Pretty lame." I stated.

He frowned. "Oh no. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I replied.

"Bitch. You're a bad liar."

"No no. It's nothing, really." I responded, elbowing him gently.

Fred placed his hand on mine. "Want to talk about it?"

I shook my head and stood up a few seconds after he touched my hand.

"Right. So are we all ready to go?" I asked.

"Yup!" George replied, turning around to me. "And are you rea-"

"Yes. I am." I cut him off. He ruffled his brows together.

"Alright...." He said. His feet brought him up, glancing at me with concern.

The door opened, catching my attention, and the blonde locks of Narcissa Malfoy peeped into view as her head crouched just past the door.

I felt something in my chest lighten as my feet began subconsciously running toward her.

She had just managed to close the door before I jumped into her arms.

Almost as though she'd been expecting it, her arms wrapped around me, engulfing me in her embrace.

One of her hands rested against the back of my head whilst I rested it against her shoulder. Her scent was comforting, and I couldn't get enough of it. Her fingers intertwined in my hair as she kissed my head and pulled away slightly.

I let out a deep breathe as I stood back. Her hands remained on me as she looked over me.

"Oh darling. You look marvelous." She said quietly.

Fred cleared his throat, yet I ignored him.

"You're too kind. You look...breathe taking. Quite literally." I replied, causing her lips to curl up into a smile.

"Oh stop." She replied, shaking her head.

Fred cleared his throat again, this time much louder.


I ignored him.

"You've got no idea how much I missed you." Narcissa muttered, her eyes shifting between mine.

"I might have an idea actually."

"Oh yeah?" She stated playfully.

I smiled this time. It was nice getting to see a familiar face. Especially one that was as beautiful as Narcissa's. (Yes. We are simping for Narcissa. She's attractive. Deal with it losers)

"How've you been? I know this whole-" Fred cleared his throat again, cutting off my sentence. "Oh jesus christ. Are you finished?" I asked, turning around to face him.

His eyes kept glancing at George. I ruffled my brow and looked about.

Everyone in the room aside from the three of us had gathered around the nearest windows.

5 O' Clock ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now