Your mom is hot <3

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(Stan the title besties)

(Aight we're going to a different perspective for angst)

Fred's POV:

They'd been gone for more than 3 days. George and I we're starting to get anxious.

Y/n and their estranged lover Snape has been sent off to Paris for some unknown reason.

I can tell you this, I wasn't happy about it.

Nor was George by the looks of this.

My fingers drummed against the desk anxiously.

"Chill. You'll see them soon. Relax a bit." Lee muttered bitterly.

Angelina elbowed him, shaking her head. "Knock it off."

Lee rolled his eyes. He was still taking y/n's rejection to heart.

I didn't blame him.

I too was afraid of expressing my feelings for them, yet here I was. Their best friend rather than their boyfriend.

George tossed a piece of paper at the back of my head. "Oi. Fred. Look at it." He whisper/shouted.

I glanced over my shoulder at him before I uncrumpled the paper that had hit me.

My eyes shifted over the poorly written note. "George. Just tell me what you are trying to do. I can't read this shit."

My brother let out a scoff before he stood up and begrudgingly approached me.

When we were less than a foot apart, he leaned down and brought his lips close to my ear so nobody else could hear him. "Do you want to sneak out tonight and fly to Paris?"

I elbowed him in the chest. "No! Mum and dad would have our heads."

He frowned before he stood up and returned to his seat.

Perhaps his idea wasn't the worst idea.

I did miss y/n and the way their smile lit up the room and the way their hair smelt and the way their eyes looked in the light and-

I was getting side tracked.

Perhaps we could sneak out to find them...

Surely we wouldn't be in too much trouble...

"Actually, you know what George? That might just be the best idea you've had in all your years of living."

(Another POV change [I'm going to do this a lot this chapter]🤪)

Lee Jordan's POV:

While Fred and George might not have noticed, I felt horrible for how I treated y/n that one night.

I didn't feel like myself at all.

I mistook a situation, and it ended up with me offending everyone.

Fred forgave me for what I did, but in all fairness, it wasn't his thing to forgive.

And so now I was the asshole who made them cry.

George seemed off about me every since that one night.

And it's not because we drunkenly made out. We would do that without alcohol any ways.

It was something else. I didn't know what, nor did I expect him to actually come right out and tell me.

Either way, I did intend to find out what it was.

As I watched George return to his seat, he gave his brother a mischievous smile.

Then his gaze shifted to me and his smile faltered.

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