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(Bro I'm almost done with this book 😭)

"Well until we can find a replacement- I mean- another faculty member to teach Professor Snape's job, I will be covering it for him. I would like to apologize to anyone who was close to Severus. He was a good man."

As soon as professor Binns had said it, I felt everyone's eyes land on me.

"Oh for FUCK sake-" I stated rolling my eyes.

Many people looked away, others lingered.

"Right. Well let's get started." He stated, gesturing to the cauldrons to his right. "Get your supplies for a potion that Snape wouldn't dare teach you. Personally, I don't see the problem with it. Others might. But not me. One could even call me the next best potions master-"

"Hey can you do me this huge favor, Professor? Can you stop comparing yourself to him? It's getting real old really quickly."

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused." I replied, crossing my arms as I learned back against my chair.

He was at a loss for words. His eyebrows ruffled and he looked at the floor, frantically searching for a response.

"Right. Well. I'm leaving. Anyone is welcome to join me." I stated, standing up.


"No." I replied simply.

He was shocked by my bold attitude.

Normally I would respect my professors but Binns was getting on my nerves.

So was everyone else.

"You can't just leave!" Binns shouted at me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lee stand up. "Yeah. Fuck you ghost man." His feet traveled to meet mine. "And fuck your mother too."

"Don't bring her into this! You know nothing of her!"

"I know she's good at sucking my dick." Lee replied, giving me a slight glance before he pressed his hand onto the small of my back and gently nudged me toward the door.

With much protest from the professor, the two of us walked into the hallway and far away from the classroom.

We were both silent; no doubt that we were both in awe at one another. He was stunned that I had the balls to tell Binns off. I was in awe that he was still standing up for me.

And then we came to the outskirts of the school leading into the courtyard.

I took a deep breathe before I looked at him. "Hey. Can we start over? Without all the drama and feelings and shit? Just the two of us."

He paused for a moment before he hesitantly nodded. "Hi. I'm Lee Jordan. You're basically the younger sibling to fred and george. And they're my best friends. I'm failing three classes, I'm one of the main announcers for quidditch games, and McGonagall is my favorite professor."

"First, I loved the introduction. I'm totally going to steal it. Hi. My name is Y/n Y/l/n. You're like the cool cousin at every family reunion. And you're Fred's best mate, so therefore you've got to be mine. I'm failing one class and that's flitwicks because I was gone for a week. I considered trying out for my quidditch teams chaser position but pussied out at the last second. And Professor Snape is my favorite... Professor... "

My voice got quiet as I reached the end of my intro.

His eyebrows ruffled together and he took a step closer to me. "Do you want to sit down."

5 O' Clock ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now