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Turn down your brightness, silence your phone, and get comfy because this one is a long one. 

Que the lights! 

I was walking down the halls when an hand coiled itself onto my upper arm. "Skipping class are we?" Squeaked voice of Professor Flitwick.

Just my luck. Huh? The man I was hoping to avoid catching me in the act of sneaking around. "What?! Pshh. No." I replied, clearing my throat as I glanced at his shoes. Huh. I didnt know he wore dress shoes. Or was that just not a normal occurrence. Dang. They look expensive. It would be a shame if someone were to.... oh I don't know-

"Well well well. Looks like the cat caught the mouse trying to sneak away." He mused.

I played along with an innocent smile. "Does that analogy really work?"

He ruffled his eyebrows together in confusion. "What?"

I pulled my arm from his grasp as he looked up into my eyes with confusion. "Does. That. Analogy-"

"I'm not deaf dear."

"Well I mean. In my defense, you are rather old..." I replied, putting my hands up in defense. He rolled his eyes. "Anyways. What I was saying was that analogy doesn't work for you being a cat and me being a mouse."

He sighed and crossed his arms. "You must be headed to class, but i assume you want me to ask why not-"

"Because I'm the pussy here-" 

"Get to class." He replied, turning around. His robes towering over his feet as he walked away.

A small smile played at my lips. "He knows that was funny. That was a funny joke." I muttered to myself. 

I turned around, expecting to see a clear path as I walked to Transfiguration, but I was surprised to see Professor Snape. He quirked a brow in surprise. "Ms. Y/L/N. What on earth are you doing out of class?" He hummed, searching my face for an answer. My eyes widened and I opened my mouth, yet nothing came out. "So you mean to tell me that you are skipping class as of current?"

"Uh- no?"

He sighed. "Of course. What did I expect from someone as idiotic as yourself. Get to class."

I furrowed my brows together as I glanced at him. "Aren't you meant to be teaching a class as well Professor? I must say. That is rather narcissistic of you-"

He grabbed my arm tightly in his hand and pulled me toward him. "Dont have cheek with me young lady. Such behavior will not be tolerated." His voice was barely above a murmur, yet I caught every word. 

I gulped slightly and looked up at him with fear. This mother fucker really thinks that he is all that doesn't he? If he wasn't so handsome- WAIT! No! I didnt just call him handsome. Gross. Old man. Old man.

Professor Snape quirked a brow and took a step back, sighing. "Come with me. Now." He uttered, pulling me along with him. 

The temptation to resist crossed my mind more than once. After all, he didn't technically have the right to pull me along with him. Then again, I might not want to get another sentence added onto my nightly detentions. 

He cleared his throat and snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hmm?" I mused calmly and he scoffed.

"I said get inside of this classroom right this instant." He replied, giving me a slight shove inside.

I stumbled inside slightly, glaring at him once I caught my footing. "That wasn't very nice. I have feet and legs that work perfectly fine. Thanks though, dad." I said sarcastically.

5 O' Clock ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now