Idk what to label this so here

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"What can be arranged?" I ask, quirking a confused brow.

Professor Snape gave an amused smirk, his hand landing softly on my cheek as he cupped it. "Dont play the fool, my dear. You know what I am talking about." He replied, looking inbetween my eyes.

My eyebrows ruffled together. "I'm afraid I do not. Would you care to explain?"

"What if i showed you instead?" He replied, lifting my jaw as he brought his lips down onto my own. 

My eyes widened slightly as he brought his other hand to my other cheek, giving my face more support as he kissed me.  His left hand moved down to the back of my neck as he brought his knee innetween my legs. He bit my bottom lip, causing me to open my mouth a bit more. He took this gape to his advantage and seized his tongue into my mouth, his hand moving ever so slightly to my throat. My hands subconsciously moved to his cheeks, an amused smile started peaking out of the corner of his mouth. His knee lifted upward and spread my legs immediately, causing an audible gasp to escape my mouth. 

He smirked slightly and brought his lips to my ear. "Is that all that you wanted?"

I swallowed hard and bit my tongue, closing my eyes tightly as he slowly began to rub his knee against my thigh. "Go ahead darling, tell me what you want." I shook my head and he quickly pushed me against the wall with aggression. "I didn't ask you to tell me, I was demanding it. Now. Tell me what you want."

I bit down on my fist as his right hand lifted my left leg up slightly, his knee sliding further down my thigh until it stopped. "I'm listening." Just stay quiet, he will eventually stop. He always does.

Professor Snape circled his knee ever so slightly, causing an uncontrolled moan to escape my lips. "Thats what I thought." He whispered, removing his presence from me. "Get back to your dormitories." (Ha! Yall thought that was going to actually go down? No. Not yet. I'm going to keep teasing you all for a while.)

I looked at him with confusion. "But didn't you just-"

"Get back to your dormitories before you force me to take points." He hisses. "You are still a student, and I am not afraid to do so." He warned me, turning around. "Go to your dorms."

It had been an entire week since Professor Snape had  kissed me. He had been ignoring me within that time period. When I went to go to my nightly detentions, I found out they were canceled. When we passed one another in the halls, he would purposefully make a detour to avoid interaction with me. When I went to his class, he would send me to Professor Flitwick's classroom. It didn't make any damn sense to me.

"Fred, what are we learning in potions?" I asked one day at the Great Hall.

Fred looked over at me with confusion. "What do you mean what are we learning, you're in our class."

I sighed and turned to George before asking the same question. "Yeah, you're in our class. You should know. I don't know honestly, but I expected you to."

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to Lee Jordan, someone I never really talked to. "Hey, Jordan. Whats going on in Potions?"

Lee glanced up from his food and looked between my eyes with confusion. "How should I know? I always stole your notes to find out what we were learning. Dont you have your notes?"

An audible groan of annoyance escaped my mouth as I set my head on the table. "I'm going to fail his class."

"Who's class?" 

"Professor Snape's. He isn't letting me learn with the others. I don't know what I did wrong, but he has been avoiding me since last week. Now that I think about it, I should be the one avoiding him. And technically. He isn't allowed to take away my learning privileges."

"Exactly!" George said, slamming his hands down on the table as he stood up. "All those in favor of y/n getting treated equally in Professor Snape's classroom say I!"

Everyone looked around for a brief moment before an odd moment passed where most of the students in the hall said I, whether they were aware of who I was or not. George smirked slightly as he looked down at me. "Then its settled-"

"Sit your arse down right this instant." Said a loud deep voice that boomed out across the hall, causing a hush in all conversations. "Did I ask for your input? I don't believe I did. Did I tell you all to be quiet? Yes, I did. Did any of you hear me? No, you were all too busy concerning yourselves in the lives of another student whom shall not be named at current moment. You are to all eat the rest of your meals in silence or so help me I will send you all to Filch's office to clean the school itself. Have. I. Made. Myself. Clear?"

A soft murmur of agreement spread throughout the hall as Professor Snape strode past George and stood directly behind me. "Miss Y/L/N. Were you, or were you not, encouraging Mr. Weasley to speak out publicly?"

"No but-"

"And did you, or did you not inform him of confidential information?"

I pondered on what he said a moment too long because he sighed and grabbed my arm, pulling me up as he quickly paced toward the door. "I can walk you know?"

"After I'm done with you, I don't think you will be able to." He muttered, striding down the halls toward his own office. The door flung open as his foot stamped into it. He tossed me inside gently as he shut the door behind him and locked it.

I pushed my hair out of my face. "So. I'm just going to be locked in your office for the rest of the evening? How pleasant-"

His hands cupped my cheeks as he pulled me in for an angry kiss. And his lips were gone as soon as I felt them. "I have tried my best to avoid you so I don't do something stupid like this." Once again, his lips trailed toward my own, cutting off his own sentence as they inlocked with mine. 

I wasn't sure if he was genuinely interested, or if he just wanted to mess with me. So I didn't kiss him back. He clearly noticed that as well. His lips pulled away and created a short amount of distance between my own before he tilted his head slightly and began to kiss down my jaw. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, suddenly very intrigued by his actions. He stayed silent as his lips trailed down to my neck. 

"I'm going to give you a small punishment for having your friend fight your battles for you." He whispers as he lifted my chin slightly, his lips attacking my skin immediately.

My eyes widened slightly, my hands fiddling together. Then he hit the spot on my neck that made my knees weak instantly. My breathe hitched and my hands subconsciously moved to his hair. I could feel his smirk against my own skin as he ignored the rest of my throat, only bringing his lips to that one area that made me weak.

"You naughty...naughty...girl." he whispered in my ear as he lifted up my left leg, drawing kisses back toward my lips. "It is highly frowned upon behavior to try and expose your Potions Professor. Perhaps I ought to teach you otherwise.... then again, this is a punishment. So..... get out of my office."

He said it in the most seductive voice he could, I wasn't quite sure that he was kidding. "I said, get. Out. Of. My. Office, or there will be consequences."

I lifted my head boldly and cleared my throat. "Make me."

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