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(Idek what the title of this chapter is so don't ask. ALSO THERE IS SEX IN THIS CHAPTER)

Lucius took a few more steps toward me, drumming his fingers against his cane as he did so. Severus eyed him and his every move, his breathing patterns moving to a much heavier pace.

Suddenly, the pale, long fingers of Lucius Malfoy extended toward me. He gripped my jaw lightly as he examined my face. His eyes settled on my neck. "You really are stunning..." he muttered quietly and took another step forward, placing his arm above my shoulder onto the wall.

I was trapped underneath him. There were no means of escape. He brought his cold lips down to my ear as a light chuckle rumbled in his throat. "Tell me," he said with a voice like silk, "Are you a good girl, Ms. Y/n?"

Severus was now digging his nails into his palm as he watched Lucius warily. I darted my eyes to him, yet his eyes were trained on the man above me.

He isn't awfully unattractive.  In fact, he was rather handsome. If he requested it, I might even have kissed him. I snapped myself out of my thoughts and eventually gave a slight nod. Lucius's lips curled into a smile as he pulled his lips back. His other hand tossed his cane aside as he gripped my thigh aggressively.

Severus stuck his arm out, blocking Lucius from me as he stood in front of the blonde man. "That is enough. Youve had your fun, now fuck off." Severus muttered.

Lucius gave a teasing pout. "Oh no. Is poor Sevy jealous?"

Professor Snape rolled his eyes and scoffed slightly. "As if you being near my student would make me jealous." He responded.

Lucius quirked a brow and took a step back, "Oh, well then. You won't mind if I do this..." He moved Severus aside and placed his hand on my inner thigh again.

Something about watching Severus Snape get jealous and overprotective was rather arousing. I heard Lucius chuckle lightly as his hand moved up my thigh.

My breathe hitched as he stopped trailing his fingers along my skin. "You see, Severus. This girl that you have pleasured clearly wants to be touched, but that is just judging by the way she is rubbing her thighs together. Now, if you would like, my dear, I can touch you. I just need your consent-"

"Lucius, this isn't-" Severus went to cut in, but Lucius moved his hand up farther down my thigh, drawing an uncontrolled moan so escape my lips. That shut Severus up.

He swallowed hard as his eyes turned to my own. "I- I consent." I stated and received a concerned stare from Severus.

Lucius chuckled softly and lifted my jaw slightly as his hand slowly began toying with me from beneath my clothes.

I maintained eye contact with Severus as the blonde haired man slowly began undoing my pants, his fingers pinching my skin as he slowly circled his finger around my inner thigh.

"Lucius, I'm not sure if you are thinking this thr-" Severus began and tried to intervene, but Lucius's lips curled into a malicious smile as his thumb pressed roughly on my clit.

I covered my mouth as a muffled moan sounded from my lips. I probably sound like a whore right now. I thought as the blonde man smirked.

"I have, my friend. Now. You can either keep standing there like a buffoon who has to have another man pleasure his partner, walk away, or join me. What's it going to be?" He asked.

Severus glanced at me with pity before he let out a sigh and took a step forward. "Come on then." He stated.

Lucius raised his eyebrows. "What do you mean-"

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