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(We're gonna switch things up now)

Severus's Perspective 😏😏:

He woke up immediately at the sound of a gasp. His feet flew to the floor as he rushed out of his room, racing down the halls to go see if you were alright. "Ms. Y/ln-"

He passed when he saw your right-hand covering your left-hand, and a pair of scissors on the floor, "oh hello Professor!" you said casually as you attempted to hide your cut.

Severus sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Y/n, it is 3:42 in the morning. What in merlins beard are you making right now that was so important, it couldn't wait until tomorrow?"

You paused for a minute as you searched for an excuse.  "Uh..."

He frowned slightly and gestured for you to follow him. You hesitantly stood up and walked out of your room as he guided the way into a very bright bathroom. "Whats up? What are we doing here?" You asked as he searched through the drawers.

"Well, since you, yourself, have the most experience with muggle contraptions when it comes to injuries, I purchased those said contraptions. I am searching for the aid kit."

He caught you freeze out of the corner of his eye, "I'm not going to have to conduct anything too drastic. A patch and bandage should hold it still. Ah. Here it is." He grabbed a semi-transparent container and set it on the counter.

"Give me your hand." He ordered.

When you didnt respond, he sighed and grabbed your forearm roughly. "I'm trying to help you, Ms. Y/l/n, I suggest you cooperate.."

"Fine. Sorry." You muttered as he pulled my arm toward the kit.

Severus opened the container and began searching for the right materials. "So. Did you cut your self?"

"Kinda. I also kinda cut it open on a piece of cardstock," you replied.

He furrowed his brows together and suppressed his amusement. "Well I am very sorry to hear that. Now we'll know not to make projects at 3AM from now on."

"Stop making fun of me. I was doing something nice,"

Severus raised a brow but said nothing as he moved his hand gently to your wrist, removing your other hand to see the damage. 

His eyes widened slightly and he brought your hand to the sink, "Well, I see that the cardstock made quite the affect. Does it hurt? Its only a scratch."

"Oh if I saw you with your arm cut off and I said. "Does it hurt, its only a scratch." Would you feel any better?" You asked defensively.

He smiled slightly and shook his head, "Calm down there princess. I'm concerned, but it really isn't too bad. The worst that will happen is that you'll need stitches. But for now, we will bandage it up and let it heal on its own accord. Does that sound alright?"

You swallowed hard and nodded. Severus silently took note that you liked that pet name.

No. Keep it professional, Severus. He reminded himself and pulled your hand out from under the water. 

"There, its not so bad." He claimed.

You sighed as he searched through the kit once again, pulling out three bandages. "Right. We'll try this and see the progress tomorrow. Alright?"

You nodded quietly and he stared at you with confusion as he applied to supplies. "Something wrong, Ms. Y/l/n?"

You froze. He watched you as you searched for an excuse. "Um- yeah. I was just thinking that I should... probably let you go about your business with Narcissa Malfoy today and I should go help Molly watch the boys."

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