I'm just going to change the titles to nonsense from now on

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(I know it has been a long ass time since I last posted but yeah. Here is the scene that i wanted to write so have it)

Severus had left early the next morning, leaving me to sleep peacefully in his bed. It came to a surprise when he wasn't beside me.

I urgently sat up and searched the room for him, panicking silently as I attempted to keep my composure.

A knock sounded on the door and I quickly opened it, hoping to see Severus.

It was not, in fact, whom I was praying that it would be.

"Ah, y/n..... had a fun evening, I see." Professor Dumbledore stated, rushing into the room. "You're actually who I wanted to speak to. Would you like me to bear the truth straight out or shall I butter you up first?" He asked.

I ruffled my brows with confusion as I ran my hand along the end of my shirt. "Um.... I suppose you should just tell me."

The headmaster smiled widely. "Marvelous. Getting straight to the point. I love it-"

"Can you just tell me, sir?" I cut him off. He stared at me for a moment.

"You're not going to like this...."

I inhaled sharply and ran a hand over my face before I forced a smile onto my face. "Sir. If you will?"

"Right. How do I put this..... okay so you're sleeping with your professor, which I know, most of the school assumes, and severus regrets. Well now I've been forced into a position where either I get fired and replaced or I break you two up.... Your potions master was more than happy to go with the latter.... Um..... yeah. Thats pretty much all I have to s-"

I turned around before he got the chance to finish.

"Y/n?" He called after me.

I fought back tears as I quickly gathered my things from the previous evening and pushed past him, leaving the potions professor's quarters.

I didn't know what I was going to do, but I went to where I assumed Professor Snape was and pushed the door open.

Not surprisingly, he sat with his head down and his fingers curled around a quill. When the door busted open, his eyes immediately lifted to whomever had force throught it.

I visibly saw Professor Snape's eyes widen as I approached him. "You're a fucking asshole, you know that." I said quietly as I stared into his eyes.

He stood up and set his quill down before he approached me. "He told you, didn-"

"Yeah, of course he fucking told me."

Severus sighed and reached toward me, pressing his hand on my shoulder. "Darling-"

I pulled away from him. "Dont touch me... don't even look at me. I came here to ask you why but I don't think I even want to know anymore...."

Severus glanced up from the floor and tried to make eye contact with me once again. "Sweetheart-"

I turned around, rushing back into the halls as I finally let the tears go.

The rain pelted down, raindrops the size of bullets. The streams had overflowed from the excessive water adding to the creeks. The black lake bounced as each drop landed upon the surface. The water turned the gardens to muddy messes, making the flow it followed turn a mucky brown.

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