AYOOOOOOOOOO why you looking here hmm?

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I could feel his heartbeat against my hand, his pulse going as fast as mine.

"You need me."  He whispered, but his voice was much closer.

Almost as it he was whispering it into my ear.

I felt a gentle kiss land below my ear before the bed shifted from the change in weight.

My eyes flicked open, catching Severus stand up through the haze.

My eyes adjusted to my surroundings before my gaze settled in on him.

"Oh. Hello." He stated, turning around at last.

His hands were inside of his pockets, awkwardly standing near the window.

"What are you doing?" I asked through a yawn.

He thought about it for a moment. "Well. With your fantasies kept me awake so I figured I might as well look at the stars as I wait for your erotic dream to end."


"Remember why we're here?" He asked. I gave a simple nod. "Well I'm going to teach you how to properly use occlumency. So you're in the hands of someone who can read your mind. You really arent that bright"

"Oh shut up. Like you haven't had fantasies about others as well"

"I have but not when they are lying in the SAME bed as ME." he stated, adding extra emphasis.

I rolled my eyes pulling the covers off of me and standing up. "Where are you going now?" He asked.

"To do something productive."


"I'll think of it on the way."

"Or." He said quietly.

I stopped. "Or what?"

"I could make your dreams become a reality. Technically, like I said, I can do whatever I please. I have no rule book to follow."

My gaze shifted over to him.

He shrugged and moved to the end of the bed.

I watched him as his hands pulled out of his pockets and he began to undo his fly.

I felt someone hit me with what felt like a book. "Wake up."

"Ow!" I shouted.

Severus gave a  sarcastic smile. "Oh I'm so sorry. How will you ever forgive me."

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because you're missing the movie! Labrynth is my favorite film and you are going to watch every hour and thirty six minutes of it with me."

"Do I have to?! It's boring."

"Shhhh. The hot character is about to come on. She just has to wish her brother away and then he shows up. "

"That sounds cruel."

"Shut up."

Severus was sitting cross legged, looking like an excited preschooler who was watching his favorite show ever.

He had on a stupid grin as his hand held up his chin.

It was both annoying and adorable at the same time.

"Look at that gloriousness."

"Who?" I asked, shifting my gaze from Severus to the television screen.

5 O' Clock ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now