🍋Severus Snape is a pimp🍋

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(I stand by the title of this)

The situation with the giant squid had barely been resolved when students returned to the school.

As soon as they did, the headmaster declared a meeting in the great hall.

I took a seat next to Fred, who now had a black eye for some reason. "What happened?" I whispered.

Fred leaned over. "George pissed Percy off and ducked when Percy tried to hit him. I got punched instead-v

"I said I was sorry." Percy muttered from across the table.

"Ladies. Gentlemen. Non gender conforming students. Welcome back. After recent approval from the ministry, you have all been accepted back into your daily lives at our school. The minor setback has caused all of your courses to be postponed. While that was an inconvenience, you will all have double classes this week. Just to make up for it."

A groan escalated in the great hall with unison. "Now now. Settle down. We are now moving onto other topics. Such as the upcoming Winter Formal."

And that groan was replaced with an excited buzz. 

"Settle down." Dumbledore shouted loudly.

Fred wiggled his brows suggestively at Angelina Johnson. "Heyyyyy pretty lady."

George elbowed Fred and gestured to Dumbledore. "Thank you Mr. Weasley." The headmaster stated with a smile. "For those of you who do not celebrate Christmas, the winter formal will be a bit of a replacement for it. If you do celebrate the holiday, feel free to join. Your prefects will inform you of when your head of houses will teach you the required dance."

He looked over at the rest of his colleagues with interest then returned his attention to the students. "That will be all. You may return to your dormitories."

The great hall began to fill with excited chatter.

Meanwhile Severus partook in quiet conversation with Minerva. His eyes drifted over to me and I offered a slight smile.

His cheeks tinted pink and he seemed to have lost his train of thought.

"What're you smiling about?" Asked George. He was now standing beside me; Fred looked just as perplexed.

I turned my head to the side so i could face him and stated simply. "Absolutely nothing."

"Bullshit." Fred replied,

I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Right. Well would you all like to-"

"Ms. Y/n." Professor Snape called from behind me.

"Holy shit- Uh.... hello." I said, turning around.

Fred and George glanced at one another suggestively.

"Watch your language." He called with frustration. I watched his jaw tighten as his gaze shifted to the red headed twins behind me.

(Brb. Gonna avoid writing this chapter and watch Truly Madly Deeply)

(UPDATE: I am back and i hate myself for rewatching that because I started bawling everytime Jamie got sad. But i also dont hate myself that much because I got to see Jamie! Anyways the moral of this is you may or may not be receiving a Jamie story soon. Or maybe a story with multiple Alan characters interacting day to day and eventually all wanting you as their love interest etc.)

(ANYWAYS: Back to the story)

"May I have a word with you, darling?" Severus asked.

Fred arched a brow.

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