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"I'm just a boy standing in front of a girl.... asking her to love him."

Why did he have to quite Notting Hill? MERLIN! I cannot with this man sometimes- "Right. And I'm just a girl who doesn't know how she feels about this particular boy right now."

Severus swallowed hard and drifted his gaze to his feet. "Right..."

"Dont do that- no no. Thats not fair. You're going to make me feel bad and then I'll feel like I'm the jerk because I can't keep you happy and it's not going to go well because I will feel like I need to comfort you and if I do that then I will just confuse us both and-"

"Its fine." Severus cut me off.

"Are y-are you sure?" I asked hesitantly. Professor Snape nodded slightly and turned before I had the chance to say anything else. 

I watched him walk away, somehow feeling more empty then I had been when I decided to go for this stupid walk in the first place.

"Hey. Whats wrong, darling?" The redheaded boy with a charming smile asked as he took a seat beside me. 

"Yeah tell us what's up?" Said the other boy who was almost identical to the first.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

They looked at one another doubtfully and nodded. "Bullshit." They said in unison.

"Weasleys, if you cannot contain your language, then I suggest that you bring your behinds to detention right now!" Professor Flitwick called out, pointing an accusing finger at the boys.

"It wasn't us, professor." George started.

"Honestly. I believe it was someone like-"

"Longbottom." George cut Fred off.

I elbowed them both and cleared my throat, "Sorry professor, they won't do it again."

Flitwick stared at me with a small frown before he nodded and stepped off his stack of books and began walking around on his short legs. 

Once the professor was distracted, I punched George in the arm. "Why the fuck are you blaming Neville you prat? Don't you think he already goes through enough?"

"Chill. We knew flitwick wouldn't do anything." Fred defended his brother.

"Whatever. Is there anything either of you need, or can I actually do my work in peace?"

Flitwick tapped my desk with the tip of his wand. "I will be drawing 10 points from your house for the excessive chatter. Each of you."

The majority of the Gryffindor's in the room let out an annoyed groan and they started muttering things that I only thought they believed was under their breaths. 

"That will be all, everyone. Class dismissed." The short wizard called from his makeshift stool.

Fred and George stood up, grabbing me by the arms and dragging me along with them out the door. "I have legs you know."

"Not when you're with snape," George said. Fred looked at him with mild confusion, I did the same. "No I mean, they don't work after you've seen him? No? I'm implying that your legs aren't working because of some personal- nevermind. It didn't hit."

I shook my head. "Whatever what are you going to do with me? Chop me up for body parts? Torture me by singing Christmas carols? What?"

George and Fred (ik it sounds weird) kicked open the doors to the great hall, causing many eyes to turn by their dramatic entrance. "You, y/n, will be asked something by my dear brother. Take it away oh dear brother." George said, taking a step back.

Fred's eyes widened and he looked at George with shock. "Oh I'm the one that has to do this? Okay I guess. Its fine. Y/n-"

"What in Merlin's beard is going on here? Weasley. You are blocking the flow of traffic. Go ask your friends idiotic questions elsewhere." Billowed the bat of the dungeon as he walked toward the twins.

Anger and discomfort was seething off of him. When they saw him approach, Several students moved as far as they could from him. 

Now I was reminded why he was both the most hated and feared professor at the school. Based on his actions, one could assume that he would physically abuse his students.

"Hang on, professor. This will only take a moment." Fred concluded, ignoring the tick of the  Slytherin head of house's jaw. "Y/n, what I was about to ask before being so rudely interrupted was-"

Professor Snape took a step forward and grabbed Fred by the collar of his shirt. "Listen here, Fredrick." He whispered the rest into freds ear, making the entire hall go silent with fear as all the students tried to hear the private conversation.

"I will not be stopped." Fred muttered loud enough for me to hear. Severus scoffed and turned around on his heels, taking several steps away from the 3 of us. "Y/n, I must admit something. And I must ask you something."

"Go ahead?"

"I am madly in love with you." Fred said. George was trying his best to keep a straight face. Judging by his behavior, this was obviously all a joke. Fred winked as if I was in on it. I knew he wasn't being serious. Chances were, he just wanted to piss off Snape. That or he wanted to cause a scene. Or both. "And I would like to take you out to dinner tomorrow night."

George nodded and gave a thumbs up. Fred looked like he was about to cry as he held back his laughter. I smiled and glanced ahead of me.

It seemed that Severus had stopped.

He was frozen where he was, his fists bunched and his head turned ever so slightly so he could hear everything.

"Yes Fred. I would love to go on a date with you." I replied, watching as Professor Snape's shoulders tightened and he stood up straighter before he shuffled his feet and began storming away again.

Fred jumped up with false joy as he dragged me to a seat. George followed shortly after, and as soon as the twins made eye contact with one another, they burst out into laughter.

I held back a smile and looked between them. "Right so. What was all that about?"

"Oh. People started questioning you and Snape since that one rumor spread about that you two were together. So. Me and Fred thought that we'd save you the hassling and just make it seem like you are too busy with him than to ever interact with snapeykins." George teased.

"Yeah, and that way you can sneak about with whomever it is you are having an estranged affair with.... unless it's Dumbledore. Then we have to put an end to it,"

I sighed and let a smile break free. "You two are so immature I swear."

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