Untitled Part 13

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(Since everyone keeps accusing me of something I didnt do, I wrote something on Tumblr a while back and was merely referencing that for the last chapter.)

It seemed like everyone's eyes were on me. There was nothing I could do about it either. Fred and George had informed me that everyone had the suspicion that I was sleeping with the potion master. They weren't wrong, but if EVERYONE kept this thought up, me and Professor Snape would both be in some deep trouble.

Speaking of Professor Snape, he was doing a good job at keeping his distance. Which I didnt quite get because he was the one whom had wanted to do the whole interaction.

I stopped walking down the halls when I bumped into something. Obviously I had to bump into something. So fun.

"I would suggest keeping your eyes in front of you rather than at your feet." Growled the vibrating voice of Professor Snape from above me. My eyes widened as I glanced up at him. He had a scowl on his face and he looked just about tempted to roll his eyes. 

"I- oh hello professor." I stated, letting out a soft sigh. Even if I had been excited to see him, I would not be able to surpress it in front of the gleaming eyes around me.

I glanced over my shoulder to find nearly every single students eyes fixed on the two of us. "Ms. Y/n, I am going to need you to come with me." He stated with a roll of his eyes. "You are so ignorant that you thought you would get away with abandoning your work at the rinsing station. You will come with me and I will make sure you properly do your job correctly."

His eyes stared at a few of the lingering ones before he turned around and walked in the opposite direction of the staring eyes. 

I followed a bit behind, my head down to prevent any accidental contact with anyone else.

Once professor Snape and I had left the main hall, I felt him press his body against my own; pinning me to the wall.

"Listen. I apologize if over the past few days, I have been fowl or crude in any way. But if you expect to keep a good profile, I suggest you don't keep gawking at me in the halls. Do you understand?" My head subconsciously nodded as he slowly began to move himself away from me. "That being said, if you would still like to continue this... situation, I would not object."

I rose a brow as he folded his hands together. "Is that your subtle way of asking if I still want to be your fuck buddy?"

He rolled his eyes and scoffed slightly. "Why must you word it like that? No. I am asking if you would still like to be romantically involved with me. You, of course, can always decline. It makes no difference to me."

"Ha! 'It makes no difference to me' you're funny professor."

He ruffled his brows. "What do you mean? I made no joke, madam."

My eyes widened. "Oh gotcha. Okay. Are we playing the student and professor relationship where we aren't fucking each other right now? Is that why you're saying that?"

He turned his head slightly and glanced around. "Because if so-" I began but he put his finger to my lips.

"Quiet, I hear something." He muttered, pressing himself into me again. I shut my mouth at once as I too strained to hear what he was speaking of. There was no noise.

"Are you just saying that because you want me to shut up? You could have just asked you know-"

"I said be quiet you insufferable-"

Footsteps came to a stop beside us, hidden in the darkened corner of the hall. "Well well well. If it isn't Ms. Y/N and Professor Snape. At it again."

My eyes widened and Professor Snape stuck his hand on my side, reaching for my wand. I had a few questions. 1. How did he know that I stashed my wand there. 2. Where was his wand. And 3. Who the fuck was this weirdo in the dark.

Professor Snape cleared his throat, "Lucius, now is not a good time."

"You see, I came to send Draco my best regards and a few new robes when I overheard a few young ladies gossiping about you. Hmm. And me, being your friend-"

"Aqaintance." Severus corrected him.

"Yes yes. That. I figured, I should listen for your sake. The young ladies stated that they thought that the marvelous Y/N was sleeping with her dearest potions professor. What a scandal is what I thought. Nothing but gossip. And then, I stumble upon you two. How precious. Severus, let the girl's wand go."

The potions master disobeyed the man in the dark and pulled it from my waist band, muttering lumos before he shone it in the other man's face.

In front of us was a tall blonde man with long hair that looked almost chilled when in light. The man put his hand over the tip of the wand, "Be reasonable and stop trying to blind your friends."

Severus's jaw ticked as he looked over the other man with distaste. "You seem to have assumed a lot."

"It would seem like assumptions, but if I hadn't heard your little question then it would still be one." He stated, giving Severus's leg a good tap with his cane. "Now move aside so I can see whom you seduced." He ordered.

Severus tensed slightly and put his arm in front of me, using himself as a shield. "You will not be examining my student of which I have no romantic interest in. What you heard has been taken out of context therefore it sounds wretched-"

"Oh, my dear friend, if it is out of context, why don't you explain to me what that context would be?" Lucius hissed back.

Severus swallowed hard as nothing came to thought. "Exactly my point. Now. Move aside, I would like to see this gorgeous face that you are trying your best to hide."

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