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(Y'all. 2 more and its over)

(Im gonna cry)

(Also, Idk what to put so several month timeskip)

"Well. We're official graduates!" Fred shouted, smiling widely.

George glanced down at Lee. "Hey can I..." He leaned his lips to Lee's ear and covered his mouth so none of us could see.

Lee's cheeks went pink before he slowly nodded his head. George grinned ear to ear before his hand landed on Lee's cheek and his lips came crashing down.

I stared in shock as the ginger openly kissed his best friend.

Fred's eyes widened, but he still held his smile. Then he turned to me. "Well since he's kissing his best friend, do you think we should-" I shook my head. "No? Okay. Fair enough."

The entire row of staff applauded as the other houses announced their graduates. "And finally, Mizz Y/N, Y/L/N. Please come forward to receive your certificate of completion." Professor McGonagall said, closing the long script in her hands.

My feet pushed me forward as I approached the beaming woman. "Congratulations dear." She whispered and handed me a piece of paper before she gave me a slight nudge toward my peers.

"And that concludes-" She began, but Professor Flitwick scurried toward her. Once he reached her, he tugged gently at the bottom of her robes.

"Erm- excuse me, headmistress. But we have yet to announce the cup winner."

Minerva's eyes widened and she cleared her throat. "It appears we forgot one last announcement. This years House Cup Winner is....... GRYFFINDOR!" She said with glee.

Severus clapped frustratedly, earning a slight giggle from McGonagall. "In all fairness, you did put up a good fight, Severus." She stated, trying to cheer him up.

"Please be quiet. I can't hear myself losing the will to live." He snapped back.

She smiled sweetly and whispered something to him that I didn't quite catch.

He began blushing profusely. "Well. I was going to do that anyway."

Fred elbowed me and gestured to George. "Loverboy has himself a boyfriend."

"Oh thank god. Its about time he got a life- Sorry. That's too mean.

Fred smiled slightly. "Dont be. I was thinking the exact same thing."

"Say. You notice now that George's done that, Lee keeps looking at you. He's probably wondering if you kiss like your brother."

Fred bit down on his tongue to conceal his laughter as he looked back at Lee.

"What? Am I wrong? You know damn well tha-"

One strong hand landed on my shoulder and spun me around before I felt their lips press against mine. Simply by the smell of his shitty cologne, I knew who it was.

His hand slid onto the small of my back as he pulled me closer. I heard multiple people gasp at the sight.

I pushed him away slightly. "Severus! Oh my god- you're trying to get yourself fired!"

The five o' clock shadow pressed against his features, leaving him with a mysterious gaze as he looked over me.

"Ms. Y/n. Whether you're aware of it or not, the whole school has known I've been in your knickers since the day I first kissed you."

I felt my cheeks heating up as he spoke, for several people's heads popped up as soon as he said it.

"Now. If you don't mind, I'd love to give my future partner another kiss." He added, lifting a brow as he awaited my consent.

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