The Future Looming

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The days of pure delight and elegant dining in the town, passed and we were to travel home in 2 days. The thought of starting work again didn't haunt me at all and I was nothing but excited to be back doing what I love. I was eager to have those moments with Derek, where we would long to see each other when we weren't together and when we catch glimpses of each other down the hallway, the butterflies and desperation to touch and love on one an other, would skyrocket. I knew I had to tell Cristina about the engagement but I didn't plan on letting every single being in the hospital know. I knew how much judgement I was going to get from the staff that adored Jennifer and I too knew that Derek wasn't going to walk comfortable through the halls for a while. But then again what I did know, was that the judgement and beliefs of others wouldn't stop us.

Each morning had been filled with delicious breakfasts and plenty of coffee since the jetlag was taking it's toll. The afternoons were occupied by strolls through the cobbled streets and boat trips on the lake and the evenings were blessed with the sounds of crickets chirping whilst we were sitting on the balcony, watching the night life and talking about almost everything together with the only light being from our room behind us and street lights that lit the path into the town. I was, most of the time, laid on the lounger between Derek's legs with his arms wrapped around my chest, my head rested on his chest and our fingers interlocked, along with the small, precious kisses he would place on my head from time to time. Everything was so idyllic and seemed like there was nothing but peace and calmness surrounding us. We were living the beginning of our happy ending and I thought to myself regularly that I don't want to spend it with anyone else. Every morning, once we had woken up, Derek would grab my hand, that had my engagement ring on, and kiss my knuckles just above the ring. I could tell, even though he said he didn't mind when or where I wore it, that seeing the ring on my finger made everything so much more real and it was almost like a reassurance for him. I truly didn't mind wearing it when we were not at work but every time I remembered it was on my finger, I got a wave of anxiety thinking about what if I lost it or what if I broke it or something. There was also the thought in the back of my mind constantly that what if someone were to rob me, then that would be gone and I would be a target, seen as though it wasn't very discrete. There was a huge rock on my small, slender finger that was filled with diamonds. These days, a woman can never be safe, especially a woman of my size. I knew fine well, there would be no chance of my succeeding in fighting of a huge 6 foot man, when I was petite and 5'6. I told myself that once we got back to Seattle these thoughts would disappear since I wouldn't wear the ring much and I probably wouldn't be alone much either.

It was the day before we were leaving when Derek woke up, lifted himself up from our spooning session, which was normally how we slept most nights, and kissed me on my temple down my cheek and pressed his lips into my neck, waking me up.

'Good morning, sleepy head.' He chuckled to me as he watched me roll over to face him.

'What time is it?' I groaned back with a raspy voice. Derek knew that his raspy morning voice was my favourite and sent me into a different place so he replied back, imitating me.

'It's 11am. You sure know how to sleep, don't you?'

'Well, what time did you wake up?' I asked back, somewhat offended at his comment even though I knew he was only joking.

'About 2 hours ago, but I was quite happy just laying in bed with you, listening to your snores.' He leant up and kissed my lips. I smiled at him knowing I could wake up to this every morning.

'I had something planned this morning for you at 11:30 but I pushed it back until 5pm so don't worry.'

'You should have woke me up.'

'No, you clearly needed the rest but you better not get used to this because we have to go back to work next week.'

I lifted my head up and allowed him to slide his arm under my neck so I could bury myself in his neck and as I did, he did my favourite thing. He would gently grab a piece of my hair and twirl it around his index finger and he would always push my bangs behind my ear so he could see my face. We lay there, admiring each others presence and drowning in comfort before we realised it was 12 o'clock and we should probably start to get ready.

'We can get lunch in a bakery if you like, before we head out.' I suggested.

'Sounds good to me.' He walked up to me put his hands on my shoulders and kissed the back of my head as I applied moisturiser and perfume, in the bathroom.

I walked into the room after doing what I needed to in the bathroom and noticed this dapper, well-suited, sensational looking man, leaning on the balcony, looking out onto the water. As I walked up behind him and cloaked my arms around his waist and rested my head on his back, he turned me around and shook his head with a huge grin across his face and his eyes being the most dreamy they every had.

'Well don't you scrub up well.' I joked to him.

'I could say the same for you but you look good in anything.'

He wore this burgundy collared shirt that was unbuttoned down to his lower chest and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. It accentuated his tan and muscle. He paired it with a pair of tan coloured trousers with a belt and his shirt tucked in slightly but not so that it was skin-tight. He looked the most handsome and with his ravishing, very popular and talked about, hair, it was the most put together I had ever seen him.

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