Married Bliss

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"Shit," Arjun hisses, shifting himself off me. Frowning, I push myself up on my elbows and stare down at him at my side. Arjun is lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling; his breathing shallow, but I can tell instinctively that this bodily reaction of his isn't because we have been entangled with each other for Lord knows how long now. 

"What's wrong?" I ask, gingerly pressing my right palm against his chest. I no longer have to hesitate before reaching out and touching Arjun; he appreciates my touch more than I thought was possible, and I seem to know just what to do to please him, in all the right ways. 

"The physician gave me some salve and medicine for my shoulder," Arjun explains, squeezing his eyes shut. The pain that's streaked across his face tightens my stomach into knots. Arjun's suffering is all my fault; if only I could do something for him to make him feel better. "But I guess their effect is now wearing off." Opening his eyes, Arjun offers me a small smile of comfort. Oh for God's sake, I'm not the one in pain! 

"We shouldn't aggravate your injuries any further." I say, my jaw setting itself with determination and resolve. "I'll get going then." The truth of the matter is that I wish to stay - especially now that I know Arjun's in pain - but I would be stepping out of line if I were to impose myself on him. The last thing I wish to do is cause him further discomfort. Kicking my legs off the bed, I turn away from Arjun.

"Stay." I cast my gaze over my shoulder only to find my wrist firmly clasped in Arjun's hand. It's not an iron tight grip, but it conveys his objection to my departure more than words ever can. 

"You're certain?" I ask, searching Arjun's eyes for the barest hint that he wishes for me to go. He could merely be extending me a cordial formality owing to everything that has transpired between us in the recent hours. 

"Princess, now why would I wish for you to depart from our chambers?" Arjun questions in return, raising his brows. He continues to stare at me, waiting for his words to sink into the folds of my mind. 

"Oh," I let out a sharp gasp at the realisation that he just addressed these chambers as ours. Now certain that I will not escape, Arjun releases my wrist, only to spread his arm out at his side. Nodding his chin in its direction, he silently offers me instructions that I am more than happy to oblige with. 

Biting down on my lower lip so as to stop myself from smiling like a clown, I lower myself into the crook of Arjun's arm. Following my instincts once again regarding what feels right, I rest my head against Arjun's chest, my palm spreading itself across the centre of it. As if in an attempt to keep me at his side for longer than just tonight, Arjun wraps his arm around my body; drawing me even further into his side. 

Our breaths slow down; our chests rising and falling in content unison. As I gaze down at our entangled legs, a smile lifts the corners of my lips. I've never belonged anywhere as much as I belong here - right here in this moment - at Arjun's side, entwined with him in such a manner that an onlooker would not be able to tell where his limbs end and mine begin. 

"If you keep that up any longer, Princess, I may just forget about my injured shoulder altogether." Arjun warns me, but I can hear the smile in his voice. Glancing up at Arjun, I knit my brows together in confusion. Dropping his gaze to his chest, he nods at my hand. Trailing his line of sight, I find my index finger to be the culprit of Arjun's complaints. It is guilty of the subconscious circles that I have been drawing against his chest. 

"Sorry," I mumble, halting my actions at once. 

"Don't stop," Arjun urges me. "It would be a cardinal sin on my part to abstain from such pleasures." 

"You're a walking-talking conundrum, Mr. Singhania!" I announce, laughing out loud at Arjun's contradictory words. But I resume my ghost drawings against the patch of skin that is peaking out over the partially open buttons of his white shirt.

"Can I ask you something, Princess?" Arjun asks after a few moments of blissful silence have passed. I hum my approval in my throat, my eyes shut. "What changed your mind? To overcome your claustrophobia, I mean?" 

"You," I reply, the truth as simple as my answer. "The thought of you being at the mercy of those flames..." I trail off, a shudder running through my body at the mere thought of such an occurrence. "It was an impossibility for me," I continue. "So it wasn't a choice at all once I learnt of your stubborn intentions. I had to get into that passage so as to ensure your safety." 

"As it happens, Princess, that was my exact reasoning, too." Arjun says, his thumb brushing against the cloth that covers my forearm. He doesn't have to elaborate for me to know what he means. 

"I thought you just wanted to view my behind at your leisure," I tease. 

"Without a doubt, Princess," Arjun agrees, the sounds of our laughter blurring into a collective note. 


"I think emerald green will complement you perfectly today," I announce, pulling out the coat in question from Arjun's wardrobe. 

"You're going to give every servant in the hallway a heart attack." He replies from his position in front of the mirror, where he's knotting his cravat. "I have gone from living in black and white to diving headfirst into a rainbow." 

"A rainbow with a fashion sense," I correct him, laying the coat across the bed. 

"And a longer line of girls, let's not forget." Arjun reminds me, watching me through my reflection in the mirror. Narrowing my eyes at him, I glower at his reflection, before an idea takes shape in my mind. 

"You seem to be struggling with that knot, Arjun." I say, making my way towards him. "Let me help," I offer, stopping behind him. 

"Please!" Arjun breathes out a sigh of relief, more than eager to take my assistance. Grabbing hold of the silk cloth, I begin to tie it into a deft knot. 

"Let me make one thing very clear to you, Mr. Arjun Singhania," I begin, my gaze trained on the task at hand. "If you are to ever consult another lady - even a wench, for that matter - for official matters of the constitution, or for something as measly as to which handkerchief will complement your attire, I will do much more than wring your neck with a cravat." 

Tightening the knot just a bit more than is necessary - enough to cause the man in front of me a certain amount of discomfort - I lock my gaze with his.

"That, Mr. Singhania, I promise you." I say, my voice ringing with confidence at the truth in my words. Tucking the knot between my index and thumb fingers, I draw it down an inch, allowing Arjun to once again breathe with ease. Offering his shoulder a pat - utterly contented with my overt threat - I turn away from Arjun. 

"Are you jealous, Princess?" Arjun asks from behind me, his tone playful. 

"Wish to repeat that question while I redo the knot on your cravat?" I shoot back, watching him over my shoulder. 

"Which question?" He amends hastily, shrugging his shoulders in a show of feigned innocence. Nodding my head in approval, I turn my head away from him just in the nick of time before a smile breaks out across my lips. 

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