Exercising Rights

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Lord knows what overcame me. I'm usually not this snappy at anyone for no reason. Especially not at a woman, like Anusha, who I should be the least bit bothered by. After all, so what if she's Singhania's companion in more ways than one? I have absolutely no concern with his personal life. Yes, he and I have been tied in a marriage union. However, after yesterday I am well aware of the fact that he and I owe each other no explanation, whatsoever, especially because we share a bond that is nowhere close to that of a conventional married couple's. Perhaps what got under my skin was Anusha's tone. After all, I am her queen, and that gives her absolutely no right to threaten me in that manner. What's worse is that my gut instinct is screaming at me that this woman's intentions aren't transparent, and she is capable of a lot more than empty threats. 

I frown as Anusha's green eyes flash into my mind. Well, of course Singhania has fellow snakes in this palace of his. Ironic how he could spew out so much information regarding his family. However, he failed to mention this, 'Companion,' of his. 

"Your Highness." Celeste acknowledges my presence, as I lower myself into a chair at the breakfast table. "Shall I serve you, Your Highness?" She asks, glancing towards the feast that's awaiting me. 

"Please," I say, frowning in confusion. I can swear to the heavens above that I am well able to hear crickets in this breakfast hall. "Am I late, Celeste?" Halting her actions, Celeste turns to face me. 

"Not at all, Your Highness. Last night the palace staff informed me that breakfast takes place at nine in the morning," Celeste says. "It's five past nine just now." However, my lady-in-waiting's words do not help dispel my confusion at all. 

"Then where in the world is everyone else?" I ask, gesturing around at the empty chairs. "This table resembles a ghost ship." Did Singhania lie to me about his family as well? Is there nobody else at this palace, except for him, Rohit and that squealing mouse of his? 

"Your Highness, while I was preparing your meal, I learnt that everyone has their respective meals in their chambers. No one gathers at the table," Celeste explains. "Shall I pour you some juice as well?" Pursing my lips, I nod my head. How odd...

How in the world could a family hide away in their personal chambers, and not gather at the table for the meals of the day? Sur and I were surely no large family. However, regardless of our numbers, we always gathered at the table for all three meals of the day; no excuses whatsoever. After all, Mother had instilled this practice in us. As clear as day, I can remember her schooling us on how such practices are what keep a healthy family glued together. In fact, when Mother was still with us, I recollect how at every mealtime we'd have family discussions; updating each other on what we did during the past hours. Truth be told, our mealtimes were what I looked forward to the most. Also, judging from the rosy picture that Singhania painted of his family, I had assumed they'd all be as thick as thieves. 

"Could I ask you something, Celeste?" I question, as I clear my throat. 

"M-Most certainly, Your Highness," she replies hastily. 

"Firstly, whatever is discussed between you and I must remain a sealed secret. Am I making myself very clear?" Fixating my gaze on Celeste, I ensure that she understands the gravity of this situation. 

"Of course, Your Highness." Celeste replies, bowing her head in obedience. 

"Thank you," I say earnestly. Truth be told, I now understand the value of loyalty. More importantly, however, I am now aware of the courage it takes to trust another, be it for the smallest of things as well. "What do you know about Anusha? If you're aware of anything at all, that is." 

"How could I not?" Celeste bursts out, taking me aback by her enthusiasm at the mere mention of Anusha's name. "She's the hot topic for discussion amongst the staff!" Glancing down towards my lap, I shield the small smile that graces my lips at this foreign side of Celeste's. Truth be told, she always treads with such great caution around me, and so to see this suppressed enthusiasm escaping is an unexpected surprise. 

"P-Pardon me, Your Highness." Celeste says, curbing her overflowing emotions. Amused, I flick my wrist dismissively. 

"Oh, not at all, Celeste. Please, do go on." I encourage, struggling to prevent a full fledged grin from breaking out across my face. "Pray tell what these discussions revolve around." 

"Your Highness, she's most detested out here." Celeste says, gripping the back of a chair and leaning towards me, as if we are sharing our kingdom's most valuable secret. 

"Why so?" I ask curiously, leaning towards her as well. Who would've thought that one fine day palace gossip would be of great interest to me? 

"You see, Your Highness, she's His Highness' favourite and that has given her ego quite the boost." Celeste explains, eyes wide as she retells all that has graced her ears in the past few hours. "Do pardon my language, Your Highness, but this special treatment has made her extremely cocky. Apparently she goes around acting like the queen of this palace, and is a pain in everyone's behinds. His Highness' family members dislike her as well." 

"That bad, huh?" I scoff, shaking my head. Regardless, however, after my brief meeting with Anusha, I'd not say that I'm surprised by this information at all. "Do you wish to add anything else?" Moistening her lips, Celeste glances away from me and down towards the floor. Oh, she is most certainly holding back on something. "Go ahead, Celeste. I want to know everything," I urge. 

"I-I even heard that her chambers are right beside His Highness', so that he can easily..." Celeste trails off, refusing to meet my gaze. I watch as her cheeks grow pink at this piece of information. 

"His Highness is a man of many talents. Both, in public and private." I recall Anusha's words, fully well understanding what Celeste is struggling to imply. 

"Pay a visit to her chambers whenever he desires," I complete for Celeste. Clenching my jaw, I tighten my grip around the fork in my fist. Singhania is truly a vile man. 

"Every night, that is!" Celeste adds, her enthusiasm returning. "Madame Anusha says she wards off His Highness' tiredness after a long day of managing the kingdom's affairs." 

"Oh, I'm most certainly sure she does," I murmur. 

"One last thing, Your Highness." Celeste says, quite clearly enjoying this gossip session. "Madame Anusha even says that His Highness would've wedded her had he not had a duty to fulfil to his kingdom." Tsking, I release a dramatic sigh. Alas, what a shame that he had to tie the knot with me instead. 

"Celeste, being Queen of this land and Singhania's wife, I am allowed to make certain changes around here as per my wish, aren't I?" I question rhetorically, as the gears of my brain begin to spin on their own volition. "I think it's time I exercise that right, and you're going to help me do so." 

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