Warrior Hearts

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"Celeste, what are your thoughts on getting the best seamstress in town to sew me a few gowns?" I casually mull out loud while my hands sift through the various outfits that are hanging in my cupboard. "For occasions such as tonight, of course." 

"I do think that's a fine idea, Your Grace!" Celeste exclaims from behind me, clapping her hands together with delight. "You look absolutely gorgeous in gowns, especially those which His Highness gifts you." On any other given day, I'd have chided Celeste for her forward remarks. However, today my only reaction is the warming of my cheeks at the recollection of all the beautiful gowns Arjun has gifted me over time.

"They're the prettiest, aren't they?" I murmur, more to myself than to my companion in the room; my words punctuated with a fond smile.

"I believe courtesans are also paid in kind with gowns." The sharp-tongued comment lashes out at me like a surprise attack. Reminding myself not to lose my composure, I mentally count to three before turning around to greet the uninvited visitor in my chambers. 

"Anusha," I acknowledge, cocking my head to the side ever so slightly. "What brings you here?" Glancing around the four walls of my room, I shrug my shoulders in a show of utter nonchalance. "I don't believe you'd have forgotten something in here because you've never had the good fortune of being invited in. Or did you forget the way to the servants quarters?" 

Plastering the sweetest smile that I can muster onto my lips, I raise my brows at the bothersome creature in front of me. Waves of satisfaction and sweet triumph cascade over me as I watch Anusha's lips flounder open and shut like a confused fish. 

"What a shame, Your Grace," Anusha manages to voice out loud at last. Well, it took you long enough to regain your composure. "You're releasing your frustration about being unable to attend the ball on me." Narrowing my eyes, I cross my arms in front of my chest at the same time that I square my shoulders; gearing myself up for a battle of words with Anusha.

"And what makes you think I'd not attend the very ball that I'm hosting with my husband?" I question in return, a smirk tilting the corner of my lips upwards at Anusha's inane words.

"Because you need a partner to attend, Your Grace," Anusha replies, her eyes glittering like that of a snake's. "Unfortunately for you, though, you do not have one." 

"Right," I draw out the word, nodding my head in acknowledgement to the senile woman's words. "My husband does not count, of course." Releasing a scoff of incredulity, I turn back towards my cupboard. "Now if you'll please excuse me, I have a ball to - "

"His Highness is nothing but a passing ship in your waters," Anusha bites out. The venom in her tone brings my actions to an immediate standstill. "Your so called partner is with you until this season of spring ends. Once the honeymoon period is over, all the puppy love has worn away and he's had his fair share of your body and all that you have got to offer - "

"That's enough!" The finality in my tone is enough to drown Anusha's voice in her throat. "Get out of my chambers. Now!" I add, when I hear no sound of movement from behind me. 

"Mark my words, Your Grace." The goading tone in Anusha's voice makes my skin crawl. I lost control of myself and that's proof enough to her that she's won this round. 

"Your Grace," Celeste's voice draws me out of my stupor, forcing me to turn around. "His Highness has sent you a gown for tonight's ball." I expel a relieved rush of air that I wasn't aware was stuck in my throat. Arjun may not be here with me in person, but he has surely played the part of my saving grace at this given moment. 

Paling to the point where Anusha could give a piece of chalk a run for its money, she glares daggers at the outfit that Celeste is holding up with great pride, almost as if it were a trophy she's just won. In the same instant that I'm about to command Anusha to leave once again, the vile woman swivels around on her heels and marches her way out of my chambers. I can tell that she couldn't escape any faster if she tried to fly out of here. 

"May I help you adorn this gown, Your Grace?" Celeste asks, her question striking the perfect balance between a gentle caress and the hesitancy of a timid deer. Removing my gaze from the entrance to my chambers, I force my most convincing smile onto my face. 

"Could you give me a few minutes, Celeste? I-I'll call for you in a while," I say, spacing out each word with great care in an attempt to prevent my voice from wavering even in the slightest. 

"Of course, Your Grace." Cradling the back of the gown in her hands, Celeste lays it across the bed before bowing and leaving me with myself. The door doesn't so much as click shut before I've sunk down onto the ottoman that's stationed beside me. 

Never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed that my internal conflicts and insecurities run so rampant that mere words could hold the power to rattle me. As much as I hate to admit it to myself, however, Anusha is not wrong. Her words got under my skin and pressed down on an aching nerve. The thought of losing Arjun - or of him outgrowing me and us - has my heart beating an erratic tempo. I've loved and lost before - I've lived through the barren desert that's devoid of love - and I can't traverse that rocky terrain once again. I simply cannot

Drawing my gaze from my lap, I stare at the gown that's splayed across the foot of my bed. Up until today, I never realised that I would ever need consolation from another about their love for me, but that's exactly what I craved for just a while back after Anusha's harsh blows. 

Groaning, I rest my forehead against the sides of my fisted hands. What've I been reduced to? Lord, I remind myself of my lovesick father, and to think I'd vowed never to follow in his footsteps. Perhaps no one is beyond the clutches of love when it comes their way. The thought is enough to freeze me wholly. 

I'm in love with Arjun. The realisation yanks my back ramrod straight. I'm in love with Arjun. My eyes grow wide in alarm. 

"I'm in love with Arjun," I whisper, as if voicing the thought out loud will alter this reality in someway. A bubble of laughter escapes my lips; my own voice echoing in my ears while I memorise how those words sounded out loud. "I'm in love with Arjun Singhania," I say, loud enough for my voice to echo within the four walls of my empty chambers. Hearing these words spoken and out in the open makes them feel more real than ever; it makes the emotion feel tangible almost. Smiling at my own helpless state, I shake my head in disbelief. I'm really truly, madly, deeply in love with my husband. Who would've thought? 

My energy renewed with this realisation, I shoot off the ottoman. Once again, my spirits are restored for tonight's festivities. I'm in love with Arjun, and that's all that matters right now. It's silly of me to even remotely entertain the thought that Arjun and I will ever have reason enough to stay away from each other. Our past is behind us and we're building a beautiful foundation for our future together in today's present. 

Chiding myself mentally for the absurd thought that was corroding my mind mere minutes ago, I smack myself against the back of my head. I can't possibly be foolish enough to let anyone - especially Anusha - to come my way and shake the foundation that Arjun and I have built for our relationship. After all, he and I share two warrior hearts and those aren't crafted from dust.

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