Until Next Time

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"Tonight's feast is in honor of my dear sister's handful of wins." Sur says, raising her golden goblet. "And one loss." I glare at my own cup, tapping my nail against the side of it. The feel of his palm...A chill runs down my spine at the mere thought of it. How could I have possibly allowed a strange man's touch to throw me off guard in such a manner? Pathetic, that is the adequate word for me. I am unfit to march into war, carrying my nation's flag, until I regain the respect that I have lost for myself.

"Losing once in a while ain't so bad." Sur says, lowering herself into the chair beside me. "Cheer up, you sore loser." She places her elbow on my shoulder. Frowning, I shrug it off my body. Since my sister wasn't expecting this careless, rough treatment, her elbow knocks against the wooden tabletop, a gasp of pain escaping her lips.

"Ow," Sur mumbles, rubbing at the injured spot.

"What've I done?" I whisper under my breath, as I take my sister's arm into my hands, and begin to rub her skin. "I'm so sorry." Pure concern has now replaced the rage that was coursing through my veins. "I'm so sorry," I repeat, guilt washing over me.

"I'm fine," Sur assures me, smiling. "I'm okay. It's alright." My sister lets out a laugh, as I refuse to leave her arm. "Let me go," giggling, she releases herself from my grasp. Once I am satisfied that Sur is free of any pain, I excuse myself from the dinner table, and head out through the oak doors. For the others around me, it is best that I extract myself from the equation, and am left to my own devices.


Shutting my eyes, I lean into the wind. This wind, it is my closest companion, and nature, my small group of friends. I fail to remember the last time I have fully retired into someone's embrace. Scoffing, I shake my head. We hug those who we love and trust blindly enough that we have faith they will not draw out a dagger and stab us in the back. I, on the other hand, am a one-woman island. Being the princess of my land, an army of men and treasures may be at my disposal. Unfortunately, however, love is the one emotion that will always be out of my reach. Truth be told, I know I will manage just fine without it. Yet, I cannot lie to myself, and claim that there isn't a dark corner of my heart that is throbbing with longing.

"You're too impatient, my love." A girl whispers, giggling. My eyes fly open, every nerve of my body growing alert. I frown as my eyes land on two harmless lovers – who are fully entangled into each other's arms. The fools are so immersed into themselves that they fail to notice my presence amongst the crowd of trees. Squinting my eyes, I watch the two lust-driven, passionate beings, maul each other's lips off their respective faces.

"Ouch!" The girl cries out, as a thorn pricks into the bare skin of her arm. Oh, for the love of God, what harm can a pointed thorn do? It surely can't compare to the piercing of a knife.

"Dear heavens, are you alright?" The boy asks, spurring on her melodrama. He gingerly takes her pale skinned arm into his hands, examining the non-existent wound. "Would you like me to fetch a bandage for you?" I suck in a sharp breath, as I recognize concern in his eyes for the girl. Lip jutting out like a weakened deer, she nods her head. "Let's go then." I watch as he guides her out of the gardens, and back towards the palace.

"Are you merely a pervert, or do you generally trace the movements of your servants with such dedication?" A voice behind me questions. Shutting my eyes, I grip the edges of the marble bench I'm seated on. How did I fail to hear him approach me? "Choose wisely, both the given options aren't ideal per se."

"Should you not be inside?" I ask, refusing to turn around and rest my gaze upon his wretched face. "Celebrating your win?"

"What's the use?" He asks me in return, as I hear his footsteps eradicate the gap between us. Perhaps sitting with my back turned towards the enemy is a fairly dumb idea. However, I came out here to cool off the fire that he lit inside me, and I doubt facing him will help much. "I mean, what's the point of me being in there when the one I have defeated – my opponent, who I wish to be smug in front of – is seated out here?" Lord, this man truly does know how to make my blood boil in a matter of seconds.

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