Forced Committments

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"You're just a second late." Father's voice draws me back to the present. Snapping out of my trance, I give my head the slightest of shakes, and head over towards my father's bedside.

"For what?" I ask, glancing at the ottoman that's always awaiting my presence. Today, however, the velvet covering has been disturbed prior to my entry. Pursing my lips, I shut my eyes momentarily. Singhania sat on this very seat. After all, other than him, no one would so much as dare to even touch it without my permission.

"Arjun," Father replies, as I lower myself into my designated seat. "You just missed him." Lord, do I deserve a medal for plastering the tightest of smiles onto my lips.

"I see you're on first name basis already," I comment, drawing myself even closer towards Father.

"He absolutely insisted that I must," Father replies, letting out a hearty laugh, causing my eyebrows to draw upwards in surprise. When is the last time that I heard my old man let out such a genuine sound of joy? Without my permission, a smile breaks out across my lips. Regardless of the fact that my enemy is the cause of this, I cannot help myself from basking in this mood change of Father's. This sight is rare, and I fully intend on relishing it.

"Well, isn't Singhania a charmer?" I question, tilting my head to the side, as I mentally memorize the sides of Father's eyes crinkling; a permanent grin plastered onto his face.

"Arohi, I don't remember the last time I met such a fine, young lad." Rolling my eyes, I purse my lips. Fine, young lad, my foot. If only Father knew about all the instances in which I've been cursed with Singhania's cocky smirk, complemented with the glint of triumph in his orbs. "And to top it off, he defeated you in a duel!" Father lets out another bark of amused laughter.

"Pardon me," I exclaim. "May I remind you as to whose Father you are?" Scoffing, I shake my head. Everyone's a traitor in this kingdom.

"Yours, surely," Father replies hastily. "And that's why I know what a big feat defeating you truly is." Mock pouting, I take his hand into the both of mine. As always, I end up noticing the wedding band, which is the one material object, which is Father's most prized possession. Perhaps, it even holds greater value for him than his own daughter. I can bet my life that if this wedding band ever were to slip off his finger, in the midst of a fire raging hall, he would most certainly rush back to retrieve it, without a second's delay. In Father's words, the answer for this is quite simple: My mother handcrafted it for their wedding. However, I simply fail to understand as to how a mere gift, which bears no value, could be put on such a high pedestal. Sentimental value, Father's always said; a phrase which I have never fully been able to comprehend.

"I've asked him to further extend his stay with us." Father continues, his words ramming into me.

"What?" I yell, before I can curb my emotions. "You did what?" My old man is taken aback by this sudden outburst of mine. Shutting my eyes, I inhale a deep breath. "D-Do forgive me," I stutter, aiming to rectify my mistake.

"Is everything alright, Arohi?" Father asks, concerned. "You seem tensed." Slipping his hand out of mine, he pushes himself into an upright sitting position. "Are the border forces troubling you again?"

"Everything's quite alright, Father," I lie. "However, if you don't mind me asking, why did you tell Singhania to postpone his departure?" By now, I sound like a whining child, who's not getting her desired toy of choice.

"Well, for one, he and I have quite a few more meetings lined up." Father replies, completely oblivious to my distraught state of mind at this given second. Singhania is that fly which I wish to swat away at the earliest of moments. However, at this given second, he seems to have transformed into the leech that stubbornly refuses to slip off my skin. "And that would surely not be possible if he up and left." Not wanting my father to witness the sour expressions on my face, I rise, and head towards his medicine trolley; immersing myself in the various vials that are on display - so as to avoid his gaze - my back turned towards him.

"Also, Arohi," Father continues, "I wish for you to show him our kingdom."

"And what's there to show off, Father?" I question, my hand hovering over a vial. I can say this with utmost certainty, today the stars are not aligned in my favor at all.

"Oh, what's there not to show off? You should begin with the hunting grounds." My old man suggests, his voice mirroring the bubbling excitement of a four-year old child. "In fact, to save you the trouble, I have informed Arjun that you will be taking him today evening - a short while after lunch. I'll be informing the staff to prepare a basket for the two of you, so that you can enjoy a nice picnic amongst the trees, as well." Lord, what sins am I being punished for?

"F-Father, I am quite heaped down with work today," I argue. "You know, sending out the monotonous letters of appreciation, for all those who attended the games, and - "

"You're refusing me?" Father interrupts me. Silence blankets the room. Truth be told, I have never gone against his wishes ever before. Will today be the first day that I do so? And all because of who? That wretched Singhania?

"I'm merely asking for you to reschedule this...picnic with Singhania," I argue. "I can't even fathom as to why I'm keeping him company, when I'm sure he's more interested in yours."

"No one's rescheduling nothing, and we both know that these old bones can't carry me on those bumpy grounds," Father replies. "So it's final. Today, you and Arjun are going out for your first picnic, and tour of the grounds. Make sure to give him a good one, Arohi. No one can do it better than you." If only I had the power to speak ill about my kingdom, and ensure that Singhania grows as strong feelings of disgust towards it as I do so harbor for him.

"Rest assured, Father, I'll do as you please." I say, with a heavy heart, each word feeling leaden at the tip of my tongue. "Singhania won't get a chance to complain." 

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