Plan Of Action

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Arjun's POV

"Your Highness." Anusha calls, making her way towards me, as the palace staff around us begins to disperse back to their respective posts. I'm sure if it was up to them, they'd linger around for as long as they could and attain an earful of gossip. Letting out a choked sob, Anusha glues herself to my front once again. Good God, sometimes I truly find no difference between a leech and the woman in my arms. Although if I do think about this situation from Anusha's perspective, this is a big change for her. And so she has every right to react in this manner. Well, overreact.

"Your Highness, d-do forgive me for saying this." Anusha manages to stutter out in between her sobs. "T-That girl...she has to go." Pursing my lips, I lean my chin onto Anusha's head, as I pull her tighter into my chest. 

"You're absolutely right." I agree, staring blankly at the now-empty hallway. Frankly, I can still feel the way Arohi's shoulder knocked against mine, as she left me standing in the centre of the crowd; a display of mockery. "Firstly, though, you must stop crying, Sweetheart." Stepping away from Anusha, I cup her face with my palms, tilting her head up towards mine. "You'll look ugly with your makeup displaced." As expected, my words work like a miracle herb. At once, Anusha's lip stops quivering, her eyes pushing the unshed tears right back in. A sigh of relief escapes my lips as Anusha's melodramatic show comes to an end. 

"So shall I move my belongings back into the chamber beside yours?" Anusha asks, tilting her head. Good God, she reminds me of a wounded puppy. As much as I hate to admit this to myself, I much prefer Arohi's manner of handling situations. Keeping aside my enmity towards her, I cannot help but respect the strength that girl possesses within that tiny frame of hers. Frankly, that very strength gives her the power to fight her own battles; a quality that I would've saluted, had it not been directed towards fuelling an opposing battle against me. If only this helpless puppy in front of me could learn a lesson or two from Arohi. 

"Uh," I hesitate, as I lower my head into my palm. "I don't think that's possible, Anusha. Being my wife, Princess is correct. She has all the right to make domestic changes in our household." As I look up, I'm met with the sight of Anusha's quivering lip. Good God, not again. "B-But," I add in a hurry. "I shall gift you a new set of emeralds to keep you company in the outer wing. And if I may add, this will merely be a temporary arrangement." Taking Anusha's hand into mine, I bring the back of it up to my lips. "How could I let my most prized possession rot there for a second more than is necessary?" Batting her curled up lashes at me, Anusha tilts her head towards the floor, feigning a blush. Oh for fuck's sake, this woman doesn't have a single shy bone in her body, and so she should just drop the act. 

"Now if you'll excuse me." I say, letting go off Anusha's hand. A gasp escapes her lips as it lands against her side with a thud. Without awaiting Anusha's response, I begin to make my way back towards the study. Rohit better pray to the God above that he isn't in there to greet me. Frankly speaking, after that display of utter betrayal, I doubt he'd want to be within a hundred feet of me at any given time in the near future. 

"Y-Your Highness!" Anusha calls out from behind me, her heels clicking against the floor as she hastens her pace to catch up to me. "If I may ask, what is your plan of action?" Smirking, I tug at the hem of my coat. 

"Dadi," I reply. 

"Dadi," Anusha repeats, utterly confused. "I'm sorry if your memory fails to serve you, but your grandmother hates me, Your Highness. The second she finds out that your wife sent me packing into the outer chambers, I'm damn sure she'll gift her a basket of jewels." Clicking my tongue, I shake my head at Anusha's shortsightedness. 

"Sweetheart, ever heard the phrase, the first impression is the last impression?" I ask, glancing down at Anusha. Thankfully she nods her head. "Good. Now you see, Sweetheart, before Princess can meet Dadi, I will spew so much bull into her ears that Dadi won't be left with much of a choice than to strike up her own fair share of enmity against Princess." More importantly, though, I'm sure that once Dadi learns about Arohi's identity, she will have her own fair share of scores to settle with her. After all, Father was her son. 

"Our walk ends here," I say curtly, as I halt in front of the study room doors. Pursing her lips, Anusha takes a step back, gesturing for me to go ahead. Nodding my head at her, I make my way into the study room. Thankfully, Rohit is nowhere to be seen. 

As I lower myself into a chair, I catch Anusha's shadow lingering outside the door. Scoffing, I shake my head. Anusha may have attained a great number of privileges considering she's my closest companion, after Rohit, and also my lover of convenience behind closed doors, but there are certain rules that she simply cannot break. It's good that she knows this as well as I do. After all, everyone has a place in this palace and the only way that things will continue to function as smoothly as they do, is if they don't overstep their boundaries. Unfortunately, though, Arohi seems to be incapable of doing so. Sighing, I shake my head at her misfortune. I must admit, she's been a worthy opponent for me, but her reign is about to come to an end. Good God, I cannot wait for Dadi's return from her pilgrimage. If I'm not mistaken, she should be arriving in about an hour's time. Grinning, I toss my head back as I imagine the pride on her face when I deliver the news of my sweet revenge to her. 

"You're done for, Princess," I whisper. 

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