Tried And Pardoned

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Like a puppet whose strings have been jerked tight, my laughter comes to a sudden halt. Eyes wide with alarm, I refuse to raise my head. 

"Bitching about me, perhaps, Princess?" Squeezing my eyes shut, I will this voice to disappear into the winds. "I agree, though." Good Lord, is this the universe's sick way of teaching me a lesson? Since when did backbiting about someone become such a grave sin that I'm being doled out a punishment of this magnitude? Maybe Singhania hasn't heard my entire tirade. Yes, that's absolutely plausible. I could be overreacting for no apparent reason whatsoever.

"Just in case you're wondering, Princess, I was your attentive audience through it all." Singhania says on cue, as if he can read the worries in my mind. A flush of heated embarrassment creeps along every square inch of my skin until I'm burning like the sun has made me his personal target. 

"Pray carry on, Princess." Singhania urges, the unconcealed amusement in his voice snapping me to attention. "Please do not stop on my account." Now that the cloud of stupor has lifted off my head, I drag my gaze in the direction of the source of Singhania's voice. The cocky clown is standing on the terrace, right above the entrance steps where Rohit is seated. Singhania's elbows are propped on top of the marble balustrade, fingers intertwined with each other; the stance of a man who is utterly enjoying my torment. As if his body language isn't proof enough of the pleasure he is taking in this whole scenario, one corner of Singhania's lips is turned upwards in a lazy smirk. 

"What?" He asks, pouting his lips in mock innocence. "That's all I've done today?" Tilting his head to the side ever so slightly, Singhania furrows his brows. "Huh? I would've expected more from myself. Truth be told, I'm disappointed, Princess." 

"I'm sure I can think of a handful more." I say, shrugging my shoulder in a show of nonchalance, as if Singhania's transgressions come to me by the litter. "A couple hundred more, maybe?" Nodding his head gravely at my offer, Singhania and I continue to stare at each other for a few seconds longer - carrying the charade of utter gravity. However, the second I see his eyes sparkle with amusement, I'm unable to keep my laughter at bay any longer. Shoulders shaking with mirth, I allow a grin to tug my lips upwards. My laughter seems to have unlocked a reel of today's memories, for the absurd turn of events that this whole day has taken unfolds within the confines of my mind, making me shake my head in disbelief. 

When I look up once again, Singhania's grin is mirroring mine, but unlike my straying gaze, his is firmly pinned on me. Biting down on my lower lip, I assess the emotion behind those orbs. Pleasure, is it? No, that can't be right. Satisfaction? My brows furrow together ever so slightly as the thought of both those emotions puzzles me to the very core of my body. Maybe I'm just not a good enough reader of the eyes. At once, the thought of lacking good judgement as far as Singhania is concerned dampens my good mood. 

"It's the intimacy of it," Singhania calls out, still rooted to his position on the terrace above me. Confused, I raise my eyebrows in askance. "The reason why I wish for you to address me by my name; my first transgression," he explains, with a small smile. "Every prisoner must get his chance before the court, shouldn't he?" Singhania teases, leaning further against the balustrade. Smiling, I nod my head in agreement. 

"Princess, I'll never impose my will on you," Singhania continues. "And so if you wish to continue addressing me by my surname, I'll have no qualms, whatsoever, about it. But every time you do address me, I will have to take it with a pinch of salt." In the blink of an eye, I watch as Singhania loses every last remnant of his playful demeanour, and so I know that the next words to come out of his lips must be treated with utter solemnity on my part. 

"When you use my surname, Princess, I feel like I'm a nobody to you. I mean, you even refer to your lady-in-waiting by her name," Singhania says. The man isn't accusing me of ill-treating him, that I can gauge from his tone. However, what surprises me is the underlying hurt that I sense in his voice. "You using my surname makes me feel temporary, as if come tomorrow you'll easily walk away from me, or..." He trails off, his jaw tightening with an onslaught of emotion. Leave me, I finish Singhania's sentence in my head. 

"I don't want to be a nobody in your life, Princess." Singhania completes, his voice barely reaching my ears. Perhaps if I wasn't so focused on the man standing above me, I'd have missed his words altogether. Moistening my lips, I clench my fists at my side, twisting the material of my coat within them. For some odd reason, I am angry at myself for putting Singhania in such a spot. I may not give him the rights of a husband - and I'm unsure if I'll ever be able to do so - but he isn't a nobody in my life, that I can guarantee. Singhania is someone to me, and he means something to me. However, what that role exactly is, or who he truly is in my life, I can't say. 

"As for my second transgression," Singhania says, drawing my attention back to him. "I did my homework for a change." Bowing his head, Singhania releases a low chuckle. "Princess, what my tutors could never achieve, you managed effortlessly; without even trying. I'd be surprised if Mr. Melvyn isn't turning around in his grave at this strange turn of events." 

This time I chime in with Singhania's chuckle, my mind conjuring up the visual of a young boy; his eyes a size too big for his cherubic face. Although our joint laughter dies down, I can't resist the lingering smile that stays on my lips. The boy in my mind's canvas is a little ball of infinite energy, his mischievous gurgling giggle echoing around the private classroom, as he makes a beeline for the exit of the room; utterly adamant against abiding by his tutor's solemn instructions. 

"As I was saying, Princess, my homework helped me understand that Lisianthus' may be delicate-looking creatures, but that's just them being their usual sneaky self. Regardless of their outward appearance, Lisianthus are thick-skinned flowers, who can battle out harsh conditions even in barren deserts," Singhania says. "And you know who these traits reminded me of?" Singhania's lips curve upward into a knowing smile, his chin nodding in my direction. "You. Princess, the world may pass a cursory glance over you and deem you to be a fragile lady, but those who are fortunate enough to peek underneath your surface exterior are well aware that you're so much more than that." 

Singhania's eyes cloud over with an emotion that I cannot dismiss even though I sincerely wish to; pride. 

"I'm also not ignorant to the storms you have endured," he adds, his voice a soft caress. "And yet you remain untainted to it all; my beacon of light in the midst of a tsunami." My breath catches in my throat. I'm unsure of what has taken me more by surprise; Singhania's words, or the knowledge that he is speaking them out loud in such a public environment. After all, gentlemen are known to have certain reputations to protect out in the open which would be butchered if they were to speak so openly about their emotions. I must admit, however, I'd begun to believe that gentlemen are completely devoid of any such deep rooted emotions, or that they possessed any at all. 

Reflexively, I cast a glance around my surroundings in an attempt to ensure that there are no loitering souls about, other than Singhania, Rohit and I, only to find out that our friend is no longer sharing our company anymore. Lord knows when Rohit snuck away, but he is no longer seated on the steps in front of me. Perhaps I feel embarrassed on Singhania's behalf, as he stands above me on the terrace, baring his thoughts out for just about any of the staff to hear, or even his family for that matter. However, as much as I seem to care for them all, and what they'll think about this little scene of ours, it is evident that Singhania doesn't share my sentiments. For some odd reason, the thought appeals to me, spreading a satisfied smile across my lips. 

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