Let's Talk

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A/N: Here we go with another lucky day, for it's a double update dayyy! Happy reading xx

Arjun's POV

I shift in my seat as I watch Arohi scoop out some pudding for herself into a bowl. Clearing my throat, I cast a quick glance around the dining hall. It's now empty, aside from Chacha and Chachi, who are engrossed deep in a conversation of their own. Everyone else has returned to their respective chambers. Good. I can finally voice my thoughts out loud. After all, they have been poking the insides of my head like a thousand tiny needles throughout the course of dinner. Combing my fingers through my hair, I lean across the table towards Arohi.

"Will emeralds do?" I blurt out, raising my eyebrows questioningly. Furrowing her brows, Arohi continues to stare at the contents of her desert bowl. Impatiently, I begin to shake my leg, awaiting an answer. But oddly enough, I receive none.

"Princess, I am asking you something." I hiss through gritted teeth. "I'm positive that you haven't grown deaf over the course of the day."

"And what makes you think I wish to engage in any kind of conversation with you?" Arohi shoots back, refusing to so much as glance in my direction. Releasing a low growl, I pinch the bridge of my nose. Good God, this woman tests every last ounce of patience that I possess.

"Your loss," I reply, shrugging, as I lean back into my seat.

"What in the world are you going on about, Singhania?" Arohi questions, finally pinning me with that death glare of hers, which I'm quite familiar with by now. I knew it! Jewels are always well capable of grabbing a lady's attention.

"As repayment for all that you did today," I explain, gesturing towards the table with my spoon. "For bringing my family together," I elaborate, as Arohi continues to stare at me quizzically. Good God, why is she so dense? "I prefer not to be indebted to anyone, and so I must repay this favour of yours. Demand your price and I shall provide for you. Rubies, emeralds, or even diamonds...whatever you desire."

A few seconds of silence pass by between Arohi and I, as I await her reply with a confident smirk on my face. Jewels are surely what she desires, otherwise why else would Arohi wish to bring such joy to my family members, and myself? But as her lips part, instead of the name of a jewel, loud laughter escapes their confines. Now it's my turn to look at Arohi, confused.

"I don't remember cracking a joke." I say curtly, as I watch her stare at me in...disbelief, is it?

"Lord, you're quite empty up there, aren't you?" Arohi questions, letting out another bark of laughter, as she taps the pad of her index finger against the right side of her head. "You're a fool if you think that I want anything from you." Shaking her head, she focuses her attention back on the desert in front of her. Is Arohi rejecting my offer?

"Pardon?" I ask, tilting my head. Surely, the woman in front of me is drunk. Otherwise why else would she reject such an ideal chance at acquiring a handful of free jewels? Anusha, for instance, would never pass up on such an opportunity. Frankly, I doubt she'd hesitate for even a second before pouncing upon it.

"Firstly, Singhania, I didn't do anything," Arohi announces. Reluctantly, I watch as she meets my gaze. "Second of all, I don't want any jewels, or repayment of any sort. Why are you making such a big deal out of a simple dinner?" Shrugging her shoulders, Arohi frowns at me.

"Look here, Princess," I say, further leaning towards her. "I know exactly what you've done, and I also know this for a fact that no one acts out in goodwill on their own volition. We all weigh out the pros and cons of any given task before carrying forth with it." Casting a quick glance towards Chacha and Chachi - perhaps to see if they're eavesdropping - Arohi sighs.

"I'm unsure whether you lack a brain altogether, or if you merely fail to absorb my words, Singhania." She says, irritation quite evident in her tone. "However, I didn't do anything for the sake of gaining an upper hand, or power of any sort. These selfish gains mean nothing to me, so I suggest we end this discussion here, for it's proving to be quite futile." Scoffing, I stare in disbelief at Arohi. What the hell is she going on about? This isn't how the world works.

"Power stole my most valuable treasure from me - my father - and so how can you say it means nothing?" I question, allowing the weight of my words to hang in the silence between us. "Why do you think I keep striving for greater power? Why do you think Anusha gets a kick from the upper hand I give her?" My grip around the spoon tightens as Arohi knits her eyebrows together, watching me like an argumentative child, who fails to understand what he's talking about. "You won't get it," I murmur, flicking my wrist.

"Okay," Arohi replies, nonchalantly. Grimacing, I watch as she once again diverts her gaze back to the desert in front of her. How the fuck is that bowl of pudding more important than me, and what I'm saying?

"You see, this is why I keep Anusha around," I exclaim indignantly. "She understands me. We both are so very much alike, and I don't have to explain anything to her the way I'm doing for you right now." Jabbing an accusatory finger in Arohi's direction, I shrug my shoulders helplessly. "You're the one who I don't understand. It's impossible to figure out a multi-faceted woman like yourself."

"Okay," Arohi repeats through a mouthful, as she continues to play around with the contents of her bowl. "It's good to know that you both can hold a conversation. I mean, I thought you wouldn't get a chance to do so, what with all the ongoing saliva swapping that goes on between the two of you." Without another word, Arohi rises and heads out of the dining hall, leaving me wrapped in the silence that follows her resonating words.


"You're finally here, Your Highness." Anusha says, as I exit the dining hall. Frowning, I pause mid-stride, as I cast my gaze across her upper half. Frankly, I've never taken out a minute to observe Anusha, even though I'm well aware of the great lengths she goes to in order to doll up the way she does. Today, Anusha has complemented her red dress with a gold set. Narrowing my eyes, I observe the white pearls that are hanging loosely from the border of her necklace, dipping straight into her chest. Trailing my gaze upwards to her face, I take in the heavy pair of earrings that are brushing against the folds of her hair.

"I was thinking, tonight, I could start off by giving you a soothing massage." Anusha whispers, twirling a loose strand of hair around her index finger. "And then you could take it from there..." She trails off, but I fully understand the implied meaning of her words. Like I told Arohi, Anusha and I understand each other. That's why we work so well together, like a freshly oiled machine.

"How about we try something else today?" I suggest, looking at Anusha questioningly.

"Someone's in the mood to experiment tonight, I see." Batting her eyelashes at me, Anusha allows a coy smile to tilt her lips upwards.

"Let's talk," I say. Stepping away from me, Anusha scrunches up her face in disgust, almost as if I've asked her to consume gutter water.

"Excuse me, what?" She asks. Clearly, I've killed the mood for tonight.

"You know, let's have a conversation. Anusha, today I realised that you've been in this palace for years, and you don't know about a simple practice like our family meals. I'd say that's a shame, and I wish for you to know more." I explain, reaching out to take her hands into mine. But instead of looking pleased at this suggestion, as I'd expected her to, Anusha jerks away from me.

"Your Highness, I'm tired." She says, as she casts her gaze away from me. "And it's quite a walk from here to the outer wing, so I'll get going now." Frowning, I watch as Anusha pivots on her heels, her hair whipping behind her, and marches away from me. She sure as hell wasn't tired a few minutes ago.

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