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Arjun's POV

"From henceforth you'll serve both, Princess and I, tea in the study," I instruct Anusha. But instead of acknowledging my words, she continues to stare at me, her face expressionless. Raising my eyebrows, I urge Anusha to give me a sign that she understands the language I'm conversing in. 

"Your Highness, I am not your wife's lady-in-waiting." Anusha clarifies, her eyes widening as they pulsate with raw rage. Unfortunately for her, though, she cannot voice this emotion out loud, or express it through her actions. Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I firmly clench my jaw.

"Whatever suits you, Anusha." I say, as the corner of my lips turns upwards into a smirk. "Well, I guess since you're not interested in this job any longer, I'll have to assign someone else to do it for me. Maybe Princess's lady-in-waiting...Celeste could help out?" I suggest, casting my gaze around us as if the latter is lurking somewhere near. 

"P-Princess," I stutter, my eyes landing on Arohi. Startled, I glance over her shoulder to find Celeste trailing close behind her heels. Good God, I most definitely did not wish for her to materialise in front of me, that, too, with Arohi. Eyes wide, I watch as the latter's eyes flit from me to Anusha and then back to me. Scoffing, Arohi shakes her head at me, a smile of disbelief lingering across her lips. For crying out loud, without her saying a word, I can hear the thoughts in her head as clear as day. 

Arohi's silence is telling me, "Of course! How could I expect anything better from you?" At once, I step away from Anusha. As expected, of course, Arohi notices my movement, her feet drawing her closer to me. But instead of stopping beside me, she continues on her way, her shoulder brushing against my back, leaving behind the ghost of her touch. 

"Princess!" I call out, louder than is necessary. Wincing at my own voice, I break into a jog behind Arohi. But before I can take so much as two steps in her direction, the toe of my boot catches onto an uplifted tile. 

"Fuck!" I hiss, as the unexpected hurdle causes me to stumble ahead. Fortunately, before I can crash into Arohi's back, and further worsen my current situation, I manage to compose myself. Clearing my throat, I tug at the hem of my coat as Arohi, simultaneously, turns around to face me. Raising her eyebrow at me, she stares at me questioningly. 

"Would you, by any chance, like to have breakfast with me?" I ask the woman in front of me, who is desperately struggling - and miserably failing at - concealing her smile. Frankly, who wouldn't laugh at a jester? Although only God knows as to when I began filling in those shoes. 

"I already ate, Singhania." Arohi replies, not sounding the least bit disappointed. Well, in all honesty, after the disappointing show of utter foolery that I put up just a few minutes ago, I wouldn't have agreed to dine with myself either. "With the rest of the family in the morning, and if I'm not mistaken, you were there as well. Remember?" 

"Right," I murmur, frowning. "Of course," I add, as I stare down at the floor. "Lunch then!" I exclaim, my eyes widening with enthusiasm at this improvised plan. "Just you and I," I add hopefully. Narrowing her eyes at me, Arohi squares her shoulders, folding her arms in front of her chest. Good God, here we go again. 

"Why are you suddenly so interested in making this plan?" Arohi asks, as she raises her chin ever so slightly. "Are you planning on poisoning me?" A bark of laughter escapes my lips at the mere thought of Arohi's wild imagination. But my mirth dies down as soon as it rose in my throat upon seeing her sober expression. Good God, the woman's serious. 

"Not at all," I reply hastily. "Oh for God's sake, Princess, I just want thank you for helping me out with my battle strategy. Nothing else, I swear!" Pursing her lips, Arohi stares at me. Determined, I keep my eyes locked onto hers as well, my heart hammering in its place, almost as if it wishes to leap out and make an escape. She's never going to concede. Arohi will dine with the horses in our stables, but she won't so much as consider sharing a meal with me. Why did I even bother? Good God, when will I stop myself from becoming the subject of complete mockery in front of this woman? 

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