United, Body And Soul

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"I'm scared," I whisper, my lips inches away from Arjun's. Brushing a strand of my hair away from my forehead, he tucks it behind my ear. His fingers which are prone to sheer strength - belonging to the hands of a warrior - touch me with the gentleness of a glass artist. 

"Why, Princess?" Arjun asks, his tone patient, as if I'm not tormenting his raving desires by voicing my thoughts out loud at a time like this. 

"Because I-I've never done this before," I explain, my gaze loitering down towards our nether regions. "And you have." I keep my eyes cast downwards, refusing to look into Arjun's eyes while I voice out my inner most insecure thoughts at this given point of time. "I don't want to disappoint you." 

Arjun must be used to far more experienced hands and women, who know exactly what to do to please him in bed, and behind closed doors. I, on the other hand, lack the remotest of knowledge about what to do, where to place my hands, how to touch Arjun, or even what this marital act will entail per se. 

Beyond having a vague idea that a husband and wife consummate their marriage to conceive children, and to fulfil one of the sacred duties of their whole matrimony, I'm as innocent as a babe about what to expect tonight. 

Crooking his index finger underneath my chin, Arjun tips my head up to force my shy gaze to meet his. 

"Whatever pleases you, Princess, will do the same for me." He says, smiling down at me fondly. There's not a single line of impatience on his face which I'm grateful to him for. I already feel out of my element tonight, and were he to put me in a position of discomfort, I doubt I'd be able to relax and enjoy my time in bed with him. 

"My body is as much yours as yours is mine." My husband promises me, his thumb brushing across my lower lip, my chin still cupped in his fingers as if he fears that if he lets go, I will shy away from his gaze once again. "Let your instincts guide you, Princess, and you'll know when your actions give me pleasure, and I'll let you know when they don't." Raising his eyebrows in askance, Arjun silently asks me if I've understood his words. Tucking my lower lip between my teeth, I offer him the smallest nod of my head. 

Tilting my chin upwards ever so slightly, Arjun covers my lips with his in a languid kiss that has the power to drive me to the brink of insanity. As if we have all the time in the world, Arjun's tongue seeks entrance through my lips, massaging against mine without an ounce of haste. 

A whimper escapes my lips, my fingers sliding down from his shoulder and onto his bare chest. At once, his muscles contract underneath the pads of my fingers, a telltale sign of his approval and pleasure at my touch. 

You'll know when your actions give me pleasure. I smile against Arjun's lips at the recollection of his words. My fingers fumble for the edges of my husband's robe, a groan slipping out of his lips as I slide the material off his shoulders, pooling it around his waist. 

"You don't believe in wasting any time, do you, Princess?" Arjun mumbles, his lips tilted towards one side in a wicked smirk. Breaking free from our kiss, I lean my head towards my husband's chest, pressing my lips against his skin there. Arjun's muscles contract once again, making me smile in satisfaction at the reactions that I'm able to evoke from his body with the slightest of my touches. 

"Keep doing that and I won't last very long, Princess." Arjun groans, his eyes shut with pleasure. Dragging my lips along the length of his chest, up towards his shoulder, I kiss him on the exact same spot where his lips met my skin mere minutes ago. 

Taking advantage of my raised position, Arjun's hand reaches behind my back, his fingers tugging the strands of my gown open. The material loosens around my body, slipping past my breasts, wholly exposing them to Arjun. Pinching the gown between his thumb and index finger, my husband slides it away from my body, tossing it onto the floor. 

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