Two Can Waltz

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"Your Grace, may I be so bold as to say something?" Celeste asks, her footsteps trailing behind mine by just a fraction, the two of us headed towards the ballroom where tonight's festivities are being held.

"Certainly," I permit amiably. Tonight, Celeste may as well ask me for a handful of gold coins given the good mood that I am in. 

"His Highness never disappoints," she comments, her voice oozing with admiration. 

"No, he doesn't," I agree, fully well understanding what Celeste is referring to. Glancing down, I pass my right hand over the front of my gown in a show of the awe that I feel towards Arjun's gift. Perhaps I'm best left without a collection of gowns, especially with a husband like mine. Over time, he can help build me a wardrobe of them with all his gifts. 

Arjun's choice for tonight's ball is a blood red floor-length gown which trails along behind me and all around me, making me feel larger than life. Instead of being a one-piece as is the norm in today's fashion - or so I've seen all around me at least - the gown divides itself into a two-piece wonder just above my bosom. Covering my shoulders and wrapping itself around my neck like a halter is a collar made of the finest lace that I have ever had the fortune of touching. However, instead of ending right there and leaving my shoulders bare, a thin red veil extends outwards from the lace, only to become one with the gown, itself, and trail behind me. It reminds me of the capes that often complement my everyday outfits, making me feel right at home. 

The upper half of my body is snugly fitted in a bodice that is crowded with rubies to the point where I can't even locate an empty patch of cloth if I tried. The gems continue their descent along with the material of the gown until well below my waist, where they then, scatter around in a haphazard manner across the lower half of the outfit. All in all, I couldn't have found a better gown in all the land if I tried. Not only am I ensconced in confidence to face the crowd of aristocrats, who will have their critical eyes on the look out for anything that goes awry tonight, but I feel beautiful as well. On the battlefield, my shield, helmet and sword may pose as my battle gear. However, out there in that ballroom, this gown will be my weapon to take on the crowd.

"Have a pleasant evening, Your Highness." Celeste wishes, before bowing and leaving me to face the now shut ballroom doors all by myself. Inhaling a deep breath, I incline my head at the guards to pull open the doors and allow me entrance into the room beyond. 

"Presenting Her Royal Highness of Naiq and Parman!" The master of ceremony bellows, his announcement perfectly timed with my appearance on the terrace that leads down to the ballroom floor. 

Adorning the warmest, most genuine smile that I can, I begin to make my way down the marble staircase and straight into the midst of the gathered spectators. Casting my gaze across the room, I realise that there isn't one eye which is not solely focussed on me. Oddly enough, however, being the centre of attention is not affecting me in the slightest. On the contrary, I am determined to play the part of an amiable hostess tonight, and not only do my kingdom proud, but my husband as well. 

"You cannot even begin to imagine the self control I'm exercising to keep my hands to myself." Arjun whispers, his hand appearing out of nowhere to cup my elbow and draw me close into his side. "You're looking ravishing, Princess." Smiling in gratitude at my husband's generous compliments, I turn my head to the side ever so slightly to meet his gaze. 

"Thank you," I say, casting my eyes across the length of him - all the way from the ground up. "I'd say you can give me fine competition tonight, Arjun." My husband has chosen to adorn himself in the deepest, richest navy blue tonight; the colour further enriched by the velvet material that his outfit has been crafted from. Complementing Arjun's coat are golden buttons that run their way from his waist all the way till his collar. Truth be told, they sparkle like stars every time the light catches them. All in all, Arjun's outfit reminds me of a starry night - an aesthetic that suits him well - because not only is his presence as majestic as the sky above us, but he's also full of as many mysteries and layers as that which lay just beyond our reach.

"Not even close." Chuckling, Arjun begins to guide me by the elbow towards a handful of people, who are gathered in a tight-knit circle. "There are some people I'd like for you to meet first." 

"You have friends?" I tease, injecting mock surprise into my tone. However, I can't ignore the stab of disappointment that spreads through me. Perhaps because the truth of the matter is that I know absolutely nothing about Arjun's life beyond what I am familiar with in our daily routine. In fact, as much as I used to taunt him about not knowing the minute details about my life and I, the reality is that I know none about him. Other than Rohit and his family, I am familiar with not a single one of Arjun's friends, or the people he knows. The thought is enough to momentarily obliterate my good humour. 

"Can you believe it?" Arjun asks, matching my teasing with equal fervour. "Other than you, there are a few people out there in this world who are dumb enough to tolerate me." The sounds of our laughter merge into one as we near the group of Arjun's friends.

"Is His Highness choking, or do I hear laughter coming from his lips?" One of the man quips, his eyes dancing with mischief. 

"As if you haven't heard me laugh before," Arjun retorts, scoffing. 

"Oh, I'm sure the lady on your arm must've many a times," the man replies without skipping a beat. "Alas, we certainly have not heard that hail and hearty sound before, which is why we'd like to be introduced to this sorceress." Shifting the golden goblet in his right hand to his left, the man in front of me bends down into a deep bow, his right hand extending out towards me.

"Alexis, Your Grace," he says, his eyes fixated on mine. I can tell that beyond Alexis' good humour, he is also making a silent assessment with regards to me. I am, after all, his friend's wife and we are meeting for the first time tonight. 

"Her Royal Sorceress," I introduce myself, slipping my hand into his. "But you may call me Arohi." 

"I like her," Alexis concludes, bringing the back of my palm up to his lips. "Might be the only decent decision you've made in all your life, Arjun." 

"I can tell that you've chosen sides, Alex, and we're clearly not on the same team." Arjun says, a lazy grin stretched across his face. 

"Yes, well, the other team is prettier by far and knows how to crack a good joke," Alexis retorts, glancing pointedly away from our little gathering. "And now begins the waltz," he exclaims, drawing all of our attention towards the orchestra, who have just begun playing the opening notes of the first waltz for the night. 

"May I have this dance, Your Highness?" The unexpected question draws my attention back towards Arjun's friends. A woman clad in a pearl white gown, whose sleeves are falling just off her shoulders, has stepped out of the circle in an attempt to draw herself closer to Arjun. Frowning, I trail my gaze along the loose chestnut curls of her hair that are burying themselves into her pushed up bosom. 

I can tell that Arjun is hesitant to take her outstretched hand because as per custom, he is meant to dance the first waltz of the ball with me, his queen and wife. However, just as I conclude that Arjun is about to politely decline her request, he offers me a sheepish smile. Shrugging, Arjun takes the lady's outstretched hand, guiding her towards the dance floor. Frowning, I continue to trail their behinds with my gaze, unsure of who I'm willing to behead first.

"Malia," Alexis says from my side. "An unashamed flirt. Show her anything that reeks of man and she's got her teeth in him at the very next second." The frown lines on my forehead etch themselves deeper into my skin as I shoot Alexis a glare before returning my hawk-like gaze on Arjun and Malia. 

"On a brighter note, would you do me the honour of this waltz?" Alexis asks, his arm materialising in front of me. 

"The pleasure would be all mine," I oblige, gratefully taking his arm and allowing him to guide me onto the dance floor. Arjun isn't the only one who can break the basic norms of decency and etiquette. Two can play at this game! 

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