I Don't Hate You

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A/N: My bundle of nerves is acting up at the thought of publishing this chapter, and sharing it with all of you. These chapters are so packed with emotion, and I've got my fingers and toes crossed in the hopes that I'm doing them justice. So I hope ya'll enjoy reading them and that I've risen to the challenge by putting each and every emotion into its rightful place in this chapter. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, happy reading xx 

I release a sigh of relief as Singhania halts in front of my greenhouse. Thank the heavens above for bringing this man to a stop. I had begun to believe that our walk would not come to its end before my knees gave way. 

With a jerk, I bring myself to a stop as well. For the entirety of our walk, not once did Singhania so much as glance over his shoulder to assure himself that I was behind him. In fact, his mind seemed to be in another realm altogether. More than once, I witnessed him walking headfirst into a low hanging branch. Only when the wood would press against his forehead, the leaves hugging the top of his head, he'd absentmindedly raise his arm to cast them aside. Once, Singhania did not even bother to do so. He just kept walking, pushing past the barrier as if it was one with the thin film of fog that surrounds us at this hour. 

"Alright, Singhania." I say, my voice cutting through the silence that had us enveloped in its arms for the last handful of minutes. Despite the fact that I was the one to speak, I can't help but wince at the sound. For some reason, the lack of other noises has my voice sounding louder than it should be, almost like I just released a shrill yell. Clearing my throat, I decide to lower my voice even further. "What is so urgent that it could not wait till tomorrow?" 

Placing my hands on my hips, I stare at Singhania's back. By now I am absolutely certain that I have the very contours of his behind memorised. If I were to look for this man in a crowded marketplace, I will easily be able to pinpoint him out without batting an eyelash. The lack of response from Singhania's end has me tapping my foot impatiently against the ground. "If you're not going to say - " 

"Just...hold on, Princess!" Singhania hisses, raising his index finger. Furrowing my brows together, I grimace at the man in front of me. I swear to the heavens above if Singhania has brought me out here to boil my blood at this hour, then he will surely lose his head tonight. On any given day, I lack the patience to deal with him, much less now. I watch as Singhania's shoulders slouch forwards, the index and thumb finger of his right hand rising up to pinch the bridge of his nose. 

"Please just give me a few seconds to gather my thoughts, Princess." Singhania pleads, his back still turned towards me. Once again, I'm well able to detect the desperation in his voice, his tone borderline begging. Swallowing the thoughts that were positioned at the tip of my tongue, I purse my lips. "Fuck it!" 

Pivoting on his feet with a force that causes blocks of soil to tear out from the ground near his heels, Singhania turns to face me. Taken aback by the sudden influx of energy in him, I take a step away from Singhania. Once again, his polar opposite moods have given me a whiplash. Folding my arms in front of my chest, I tilt my chin upwards ever so slightly. 

"I've rehearsed my speech many times over," Singhania says. "I guess that is all I thought about as we journeyed back. But standing here I've realised there's no pre-planned way to say what I wish to." Clasping his hands together, I watch as he squeezes his fingers. "I've finally decided that I'm just going to speak my heart out, and lay all my thoughts out in front of you, Princess. So if they make no sense, whatsoever, or I make a complete ass out of myself, please do be kind." 

Confusion. That's the only emotion which is clouding my brain upon hearing Singhania's words. Whatever in the world has he been drinking? 

"This location," he continues, glancing around us. "Was all an improvised thought. But as we stand here - you and I - I'm well aware this was the right decision to make. There's no better place to do this than here, at a location that is reserved just for our company, and our eyes only." Singhania's tongue glides across his lips, moistening them; a subtle telltale sign of his nerves. 

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