What's Yours Is Mine

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It's a simple question that deserves a simple, straightforward reply and yet, I'm floundering like a fish. My lips part open as I glance towards Arjun's outstretched, inviting hand, only to meet his gaze and shut my mouth. Lord knows why I'm reacting in such a flustered manner since this is exactly what I've wanted from the moment this night began. However, now that Arjun is standing in front of me, I'm so taken aback by his unexpected overt show of affection that I'm unable to gracefully accept his invitation.

The corner of Arjun's lips twitches as he continues to patiently watch me, holding his position while he waits for me to break through my stupor. My heart is hammering against my chest in the most deliciously exciting way possible, as if it can't handle the joy that is consuming it. 

"I believe this is the part where you give your consent, and place your hand in Arjun's." Alexis says from behind me, offering me the slightest of nudges with his shoulder. At the same time that I open my mouth to give Arjun my assent, he grabs hold of my hand, tugging me towards him. 

"What can I say, Princess?" Arjun whispers, turning the back of my hand so that his palm is below mine. "I'm an impatient man." Without tearing his gaze away from mine, my husband draws the back of my hand up to his lips and places a lingering kiss against my skin, his lips hovering above my hand for just a few seconds longer than is deemed appropriate. 

My breath catches in my throat. The skin where Arjun's lips were resting is burning as if I've been singed. Grinning like a man who has just discovered the secret to eternal happiness, Arjun draws me into his arms, spinning me in a circle onto the dance floor. My waist catches on fire as my husband's palm slides along its length until his hand is resting right at the centre of it. 

Expelling a rush of air, I rest my left hand against his forearm, holding onto Arjun with a firm resolve for fear that his close proximity, complemented by his wicked wayward advances, will make me lose my footing. Tucking my right hand into his, Arjun guides the two of us around the dance floor in a graceful arc. 

"Clearly your dance lessons have been paying off," I scoff, rolling my eyes. "Maybe in return, as a token of your appreciation, you should send all the ladies you danced with tonight a bouquet of flowers." Throwing his head back, Arjun lets out a shout of laughter.

"Princess, only you would remind me of other ladies at a moment like this," he says, shaking his head in disbelief. However, the fond grin doesn't leave his face as he continues to watch me with admiration shining in his eyes. Arjun's gaze drops to my lips momentarily, before returning back to meet mine. "I may have danced with many tonight, Princess, but not like this." 

Increasing the pressure he's exerting against my back, Arjun draws me closer against his front. A gasp escapes my lips as I feel the hard muscles that run along his thighs. Before I can look up at him with a reprimand written clear as day across my face for his indecent actions, however, Arjun grazes the tip of his nose along my forehead, his lips brushing against my hair and pressing a soft kiss against my tresses. 

"I didn't hold them this close to me," Arjun whispers, his breath fanning against my forehead. "And nor would I do this," he says, just before his fingers begin to graze against my lower back, only to rest there instead of returning to my waist. Heat explodes in the pit of my stomach, combusting in my entire body like a flame out of control. 

"Nor can I call their arms home," Arjun murmurs, his lips grazing against the skin of my ear. "Because they aren't my home. You are, Princess." 

The urge to rest my head against Arjun's chest is so strong that I have to physically exert pressure on myself to keep my head from leaning forwards. Instead, I rest my hand against his chest, Arjun's muscles contracting underneath my palm in response to my unexpected touch. All I want is for the crowd around us to melt away into nothingness, so my husband can take me into his arms and allow me to show him just how poignant his words are for me, and what they truly mean to me. 

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