The Torturous Fun Commences

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"Where in the world is he?" I hiss through gritted teeth, as I pace back and forth across the stable. No one has dared to make me await their presence ever before. "He's half an hour late." Annoyed, I glare daggers at the innocent, helpless members of the palace staff, as if they've hidden him in some corner.

"Perhaps a matter of urgency came up." Celeste suggests, further infuriating me by making excuses for that weakling king. I swear to the heavens above, not a single soul is on my side in this kingdom; my kingdom!

"If he makes me wait for another second - "

"I'll still find you right here, awaiting my company." Singhania's voice makes my grip tighten around the reigns that I have now fisted in my palms. Thankfully, my back is turned towards him, and so I take a few seconds to compose myself. I will not draw out my weapon, and slash his jugular vein - this has become my mantra in life, until the very day on which he leaves my kingdom. Oh, what a blessed day that would be! I shall personally distribute gold coins in the market, so as to celebrate my enemy's departure. For now, however, I will represent my kingdom with the utmost level of decency. After all, Father has my word - Singhania will not be given a single opportunity to utter the slightest of complaints.

"All of you may now take your leave," I instruct, as I turn around to face the gathering of help. Their eyes flit nervously between Singhania, and I. Oh, for the love of God, are they expecting for us to pounce upon each other? Considering their ace skills at spreading gossip from one room to the next, I can say this with utter surety that they are no strangers to his and my enmity. I watch as the help begins to depart from the stable with great hesitation; their steps heavy, as they do so, taking their own sweet time, of course.

"If I may now ask, what took you so long?" I question, folding my arms in front of my chest, as I divert my attention towards Singhania, once everyone's departed. Smirking, he leans against the wooden wall, crossing his legs at the ankles.

"Sweetheart, it's best if you learn this sooner rather than later, the ladies are often found yearning my company. After all, as the saying goes, all good things come to those who wait," Singhania replies. Pursing my lips, I raise an eyebrow, staring at him blankly.

"If this was your poor attempt at making a joke, I suggest that you leave this task for the court jester. You're not funny," I state matter-of-factly. Clearing his throat, Singhania pushes himself off the wall, tugging at the hem of his coat, almost as if I've embarrassed him. Did I now?

"Being a stranger to these palace grounds," Singhania tries once again. "I am sure it is understandable that I got lost. Frankly speaking, can you even blame me?" He spreads his arms out on either side of his body, shrugging innocently. Frowning, I shake my head.

"You're a bad liar as well, so it is my kind suggestion that you refrain from spilling anything, but the truth." I say, turning my back towards Singhania, as I divert my concentration towards the riding gear in my hands.

"And what makes you think I'm lying?" He asks from behind me.

"It's all in the eyes, Singhania," I reply. "And unluckily for you, yours are as wide as an owl's. The truth pours out, without my even trying to fish for it."

"I'm not an open book," the man argues. Rolling my eyes, I look over my shoulder, only to find Singhania's troubled face staring at me in return. Who would've thought? I have managed to confuse the poor thing.

"Although I'd love to keep discussing you, and feed into your self-obsessive nature," I say. "So as to save time, and bring this rotten meeting to an end as soon as possible, I suggest that we harness our rides, and get a move on things."

"Your wish is my command, Princess." Singhania sighs, his footsteps drawing closer to me. My eyes flit over towards the spare harness which is hanging on the wall in front of me. Hastily, I pull it off.

"If you wish to return to the palace with your head still on your shoulders, I suggest you..." I trail off, as I turn around to hand over the harness, only to bump into a chest that could give iron a run for its money. A gasp escapes my lips, as Singhania's palm slips around the curve of my waist; the tips of his fingers pressing into the folds of my cape.

"You were saying, Princess?" Singhania asks, cocking his eyebrow at me. Indeed, what was I saying? A smirk tugs at the corner of my enemy's lips, almost as if he's able to see the fog that has accumulated in my head. Had it not been for the harness in my hand, Singhania and I would be like molten iron; our fronts melting into each other's.

"I was saying," I begin, my gaze traveling towards his lips on its own volition. "Do not overstep your boundaries." I spit through gritted teeth, as I harshly ram down the heel of my boot onto Singhania's right foot. "And stop calling me Princess." I add, shoving the harness into his arms, as he staggers backwards. Truth be told, the patch that Singhania was covering with his palm is now burning, almost as if he has branded his mark onto my back. I can, however, say with utmost surety that this sensation is purely because I have never allowed a man to get within such close proximity to me as Singhania so often manages with ease, for reasons that are absolutely unknown to me.

"Clearly you skipped lessons when they were teaching you the art of how to tend to your guests." Singhania snaps, his face morphed with pain. Biting my lip, I inject every ounce of self control into preventing a smile from breaking out across my lips.

"And you obviously forgot to attend those in which they taught you how to be a decent guest." I retort, the pleasurable sensation of triumph seeping into my blood. As soon as I turn my back towards Singhania, the man has the audacity to scoff at me.

"Wish to say something?" I ask, innocently, turning right back around to face him.

"I believe actions speak louder than words, Princess," Singhania says. "And my stellar swordsmanship did all the talking yesterday." Knowing fully well that he has stepped on an aching nerve, Singhania sqaures his shoulders, and heads over to harness his horse.

"This will make for a very interesting evening, Princess." He calls out from the other side of the stable, as I sulk in silent helplessness at being unable to slice my enemy in half. I will not draw out my weapon, and slash his jugular vein, I chant mentally.

"And a quick one to end, I hope." I reply with utter conviction. The mere thought of spending even a second in Singhania's company has my skin crawling, much less a whole evening. 

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