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Once I've slid another book into place, I find myself glancing over my shoulder yet again. Grimacing, I turn back around and reach into the trunk that's near my feet, pulling out two more novels. Distracted, I fit them into their respective places in the bookshelf. Restlessly, as I reach into the trunk for another handful, I find my gaze wandering towards the door once again. 

Sighing, I continue with the task at hand. Truth be told, in the past half hour, I must've surely glanced towards the study room's door about a hundred times. However, only the Lord above knows what surprise I'm expecting. Regardless, I cannot seem to refrain myself from continuously glancing in the door's direction. 

"Um...Arohi, are you expecting someone?" Rohit asks, drawing my attention towards Singhania's side of the room. The second my eyes land on Rohit - who's seated at Singhania's table - an instinctive frown sets on my face. Truth be told, I am not used to witnessing the former in that particular area instead of my enemy, and he does seem like quite a misfit behind that desk.

"No," I reply, shaking my head. "No one," I add in a murmur. Although, in all honesty, I'm unsure whether that's a weak attempt at reassuring myself that the words I'm uttering are completely true. I mean, as it is, who would I be waiting for? Not Singhania, that's for sure. 

"He won't be joining us today," Rohit says. At once, my head snaps in his direction. As of late, has Rohit begun to read thoughts? I continue to stare at Rohit as he watches me with amusement dancing in his orbs, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Arjun has other commitments today," Rohit elaborates. 

"Doing what?" I scoff, rolling my eyes. "Making out with Anusha?" Grinning, Rohit shrugs his shoulders cluelessly. 

"Ay, if I knew, Arohi, I'd tell you for sure." He promises, leaning towards me. "But in all honesty, I'm unaware of what Arjun's up to. Since yesterday he's been acting quite secretive." 

"Oh, I can bet that he's decorating a bed of roses for his sweetheart." I snap, my own tone taking me by surprise. Truth be told, I fail to recognise the venom with which I spat out Anusha's nickname. Shutting my eyes, I inhale a deep breath. There's no point in souring my mood over those two good-for-nothings. 

"By the way, Arohi, if you don't mind me asking," Rohit begins curiously. "Why are you waiting for Arjun?" Turning around to face the bookshelf, I shrug my shoulders as if to cast aside Rohit's words. 

"I'm not," I reply curtly. "I mean, I just think that he owes me a word of gratitude." Shoving a novel into the bookshelf, I swivel around to face Rohit. "Don't get me wrong, I don't want anything from Singhania, and neither do I expect the least bit from him." Gulping, Rohit nods his head at my words in understanding. "Also, I didn't do anything for his sake. I care for Dadi, and that's why I ventured out to seek a cure for her. But would an ounce of manners hurt Singhania so much?" Throwing my arms in the air, I release a huff of frustration. "I mean, my return was day before, and he still hasn't shown me his ugly face." Disbelievingly, I raise my eyebrows at Rohit, as if he owes me an explanation for this unacceptable behaviour of Singhania's. 

For some reason, the helplessness on Rohit's face seems to further irk me. Flicking my wrist dismissively, I kick at the chest near my feet with the toe of my boot. To the dungeons with Singhania! As it is, what more could I expect from him? 


A loud knock on my chamber door draws my attention towards it, just as I'm about to blowout the candlestick for the night. 

"Who's there?" I call out, my fist tightening around the dagger at my bedside table. No one other than Celeste visits my chambers, and she'd most certainly not visit me this late in the night, especially since she's familiar with my sleeping schedule. 

"Arohi, it's me." Rohit's voice calls back. "Rohit." Confused, I stare in the direction of the door. 

"What're you doing here at this hour?" I question, as I grab my silk robe from the headboard. Hastily, I shrug it onto my shoulders. 

"Could you, maybe, wear something appropriate and accompany me somewhere?" Rohit's hesitant request has me halting my movements altogether. Where in the world does he wish to take me at this hour? Apart from this being completely odd, it's also highly suspicious. I mean, what will the palace staff think upon seeing the two of us together at this hour? More importantly, however, what if someone from the family catches us? 

"Um...It's not for me, though." Rohit calls out, seemingly struggling to provide me with an explanation as much as I'm seeking one. "Ay, what the fuck am I doing?" I can bet this rhetorical question is more for himself than for me. "I know what you must be thinking, Arohi, but it's not for me. My intentions aren't wrong, I swear!" 

"I never said they were," I say, smiling at the way Rohit's wrestling with his words. "Although, now that you've voiced this concern out loud, I am dubious about the direction in which your thoughts are headed." Biting down on my lower lip, I mentally pat myself on the back for the way I can already foresee Rohit easily landing into my teasing trap. 

"Arohi, I swear that if you're not with me when I return, Arjun's going to have my neck." Rohit pleads, his tone dripping with desperation for me to cooperate. "This time he will really behead me." 

"What in the world does Singhania want from me at this hour?" I question, unable to conjure up a single reasonable scenario for this surprise invitation. 

"He will also behead me if I ruin his surprise by revealing it to you," Rohit says. Truth be told, I feel sorry for the lad. I mean, he is stuck between Singhania and I, after all. "Please just come with me." Biting down on my lower lip, I toss Rohit's request in my mind. Truth be told, Singhania isn't up to anything good during the daylight hours, and so I'm sure after dusk his actions don't miraculously become angelic either. However, if I fail to show up for whatever trap he's laid out for me, I can bet that Singhania will label me as a coward. Alas, how in the world can I let that happen? I mean, that would surely count as a victory for him, and a miserable loss on my part. So instead, I shall oblige by his wish. Unfortunately, however, matters might not go as per Singhania's plan. Squaring my shoulders, I grab my dagger off the bedside table. Oh well, if Singhania wishes to mess with me, then let me see him try and fail miserably. 

"I'm coming!" I call out to Rohit. One wrong move tonight and Singhania will surely lose much more than a finger. 

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