Unrewarding Patience

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"Your Highness, shall we not wait for the rest of the entourage to arrive?" Celeste asks, as she pokes her head in through the folds of my tent. "Perhaps you'd rather have lunch with His Highness?"

"I'd rather starve," I murmur. "Please just do as you're told, Celeste." I add, this time loud enough to be heard by her. Glancing up from the weapon in my hand, I raise my eyebrows for confirmation from my lady-in-waiting. Bowing her head obediently, Celeste offers me a nod before she steps back, leaving me in silence once again. Truth be told, after the stunt Singhania pulled yesterday, I fear that if he and I shared the same feast, I might just end up poisoning his meal.

Hesitantly, my fingers reach out for the bowl of strawberry nectar that's invitingly lying on my dresser.

No, I shouldn't. Biting down on my lower lip, I allow my hand to hover in midair, as I eye the bowl apprehensively. After all, Singhania and I are merely meeting for a casual lunch gathering; it's nothing out of the blue, or grand, which is why coating my lips with this pink nectar would be deemed as an over the top effort. I most certainly do not need to give him a reason to make a mockery of me.

However, before I can arrive to a conclusion, a knock at my chamber doors has my attention instead.

"Yes?" I call out, heading towards the source of the sound. As I'm halfway across the room, a square piece of parchment slides into my room, from underneath the door. Frowning, I continue to make my way towards the little surprise. Who in the world is possibly slipping me notes in this house? Eagerly, I reach down for the parchment that's now stationed at the toe of my boots, and pick it up.

'Arohi, do pardon the inconvenience, but I'll have to make a sudden change in venue. Meet me in the gazebo, down by the pond. If you're ignorant to its whereabouts, the palace guards will be able to guide you. Arjun.'

Instead of chasing away my confusion, this note seems to have further thickened the fog in my head. Why in the world has Singhania suddenly decided to change the location of our lunch meeting? Truth be told, I'd have much rather preferred the greenhouse, for it's the one place in the entirety of these grounds that feels like home; a structure whose walls wrap around me as if they're offering me a warm hug. In a way it's my territory, and so I would've most certainly liked Singhania to walk into my land. It would've surely put me at ease.

Perhaps I should share my thoughts with Singhania, regarding this change of location. However, disappointment washes over me as my eyes land on the clock. It's now ten minutes to three. Singhania must have already laid forth all his arrangements in the pavilion, and so asking him to change venues now would be unreasonable. Furrowing my brows, I stare at the door. If Singhania is the one who slipped this note underneath my door, then why didn't he just share this change of mind with me himself? I mean, we could have headed to the pavilion together, especially since there are only ten minutes remaining. Sighing, I shake my head to dismiss my thoughts. Only the heavens above are aware of what drives Singhania's actions and why.


I glance up towards the sky, only to find it mirroring my emotions. Grey clouds are now dominating the entirety of a canvas that was inked blue up until a while back. Biting down on my lower lip, I eye the looming threat above me, warily. It won't be long before these clouds burst forth, and drench me in a downpour of chilling, cold water, complemented by the occasional flash of lightning, and clap of thunder. In all honesty, Singhania will further engrave his name in my bad books if I'm caught up in this oncoming storm because of him. For heaven's sake, has he failed to attend a single lesson on manners? More importantly, however, Singhania is the one who initiated this invitation, not I, and yet he's the one who hasn't made an appearance till now. 

"Oh!" At once, my eyes land on the speaker. Although I was wishing for someone's company, this was most certainly not what I wanted.

"Do pardon me, but I got quite the fright," Anusha says. Dramatically, she splays her right palm across her bust. Rolling my eyes, I release a sigh. Truth be told, I do not have the energy to deal with this woman and her antics at this given moment.

"Perhaps you caught sight of a mirror," I murmur. Folding my arms across my chest, I turn away from Anusha, as I begin pacing across the length of the gazebo. Although I'm sure that Anusha heard me quite well, considering the pin drop silence that's surrounding us, she has no choice but to rein her tongue in from lashing out at me in return.

"Don't mind me," Anusha pipes up, cheerfully. Turning my head ever so slightly in her direction, I frown at her tone. Why in the world does her voice make it seem as if she's chanced upon a chest of gold? "I'm simply here to collect a few flowers, so I'll be quick." For all I care, Anusha can collect thorns. "I guess when His Highness is visiting, one cannot afford to have withering flowers to welcome him with." With a jerk, I come to a halt; Anusha's words having caught my attention. 

"Singhania is coming to your chambers?" I question, glancing at the woman behind me over my shoulder. Eagerly, she nods her head. 

"We've got a romantic afternoon planned," Anusha elaborates. "Firstly, His Highness plans on sharing a warm meal with me, then we'll perhaps talk for a while, and after that..." She trails off, a light giggle escaping her lips. "Well, I'm unsure whether I should be sharing those details with you." 

"Good," I reply, my tone clipped. "Because I'm not the least bit interested." Without wasting another second to wait for a man, who never even once considered making an appearance for my sake, I break into a march; my surefooted steps carrying me out of the gazebo, and back towards the palace. 

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