Reinforced Belief

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Arjun's POV

Sighing, I get back on my feet. Frankly, this is about the fiftieth time that I've done so. But what else is a man supposed to do as he awaits someone's company? Pursing my lips, I glance over in the direction of the grandfather clock. It's now four in the evening, so where the hell is Arohi? Frankly, by now I have managed to memorise the intricate patterns and designs on the clock, and yet that woman is nowhere in sight. On any other given day, Arohi is always punctual - if not before time - so what the hell has changed today? In truth, I seem to have adorned her shoes, and she, mine. Heck, even I would not keep another waiting for more than half an hour. Unpunctual people, like myself, have ethics, too. 

Casting another fleeting gaze towards the clock, I allow my feet to carry me in the direction of the greenhouse door. After all, I can only stay within the confines of this place for so long, before sheer boredom begins to prick against the confines of my mind. As I'm halfway through the greenhouse, my eyes land on the worktable in the centre of it. For today, though, I have converted it into a buffet table for Arohi and I. Well, at least I had attempted to do so. Frankly, an hour ago, it was just that - a buffet table. Now, on the other hand, it reminds me of a garbage bin. After all, as the hour progressed the food on it grew cold, and I can bet that the yogurt is now sour because of the heat, too. 

Hesitantly, I reach out towards the platter of biscuits. But midway my hand halts itself, as I look up expectantly towards the greenhouse door. Unfortunately, greenery is all that meets my eye. As if to lend me some encouragement, my stomach releases a low growl. I had promised myself that I would not touch any of the food until Arohi arrived. But it's been an hour since I made that promise, and alongside the food on the table in front of me, I guess it has expired. Without another thought, I reach out for a biscuit. But just a bite of it has me regretting my decision. 

"Soggy," I murmur, placing the remainder of the biscuit back onto the platter. Huffing, I continue on my way towards the door, my eyes persistently, time and again, making their way back towards the path that leads from the gate to me, in the hopes that Arohi will materialise at any given moment. 

"Where are you, Princess?" I whisper, as my back finds support against the bark of a partially naked tree. I hope Arohi's alright. She's never been this unpunctual before, at least as far as I know. But what do I know about her? In truth, whether I wish to believe it or not, the entire purpose of today's lunch was for us to get to know each other better. Heck, forget about me, I just wanted to learn more about Arohi, that's all. The only way I can achieve this goal of mine, though, is if Her Royal Highness decides to bless me with her presence, which seems nothing short of a miracle as of now. 

I'm hungry, tired of awaiting Arohi's company, and frankly, my lack of patience is not serving me well. After all, hasn't she exercised it enough in this past hour? Sighing, I shut my eyes, as I lean my head against the bark of the tree. Could this situation get any worse? In response to my unspoken thoughts, the heavens burst forth, drenching me in a downpour of rain. 

"Good God, a warning of some kind would've most definitely been appreciated!" I yell, as I glare up at the sky above me through the poor excuse of a canopy that this tree bears. Releasing a groan of frustration, I kick at a chunk of soil near the toe of my boot.

"Oh my, Your Highness!" Anusha exclaims. Knitting my brows together, I cast my gaze over my shoulder to find her heading towards me, an umbrella propped open above her head. 

"What're you doing here?" I question, as she joins me at my side. Leaning into me, Anusha shields the both of us from the pellets of water. 

"I came to check up on you, of course." She replies, as she eyes me from head to toe. "After I saw your wife with Rohit, a light went off in my head, Your Highness, and I remembered how you'd mentioned the two of you meeting up. So I came to see if you were still awaiting her company." 

"Arohi's with Rohit?" I repeat, as I raise my eyebrows at Anusha, questioningly. Eyes wide, she nods her head at me innocently. "You mean, at this given moment - when she and I had to meet up - Arohi's busied herself in Rohit's company?" Once again, Anusha nods her head in confirmation. I release a scoff of disbelief, as I shake my head at this newly learnt piece of information. 

"And look at you here, Your Highness." Anusha says, clicking her tongue, an undertone of pity resonating in her voice. "A poor puppy who's waiting for his mistress in the rain." 

"Watch it," I warn Anusha, as I jab a threatening finger in her direction. 

"Pardon me, Your Highness, but I'm just stating what I see." She replies, apologetically casting her gaze towards the ground. 

Clenching my fists at either side of my body, I allow my chest's movements to be driven by the raw rage that is now pulsating through my veins. Shutting my eyes momentarily, I tighten my jaw. So while I've been awaiting Arohi's company out here - all alone, and famished - she's been having a good time with Rohit back at the palace? How could I allow her to walk over me in such a manner? Anusha's right - I'm nothing but a pitiful puppy as I stand here, awaiting the company of a lady who never so much as considered coming to meet me. 

"Fuck this," I hiss. Without much care for the moist chunks of soil that I'm uprooting with the soles of my boots, I march in the direction of the gate. As the rainwater streaks my face, it begins to clear up the fog in my head; an illusion of utter foolishness that I've been living under the influence of for a while now. Frankly, unknowingly, I allowed myself to go astray in the past couple of days, but I'm thankful that today has come around and woken me up. For crying out loud, I was pouring tea, and laying out a picnic for my enemy. Oh for God's sake, I was growing concerned about her well being, but she, on the other hand, is having the time of her life with my friend. I allowed Arohi to gain the upper hand, and today I gifted her an ideal opportunity to insult me. Of course, it's no surprise that she took it. Now, not only am I a laughing stock in front of her, but in Anusha's eyes, too. For God's sake, I would not be surprised if Arohi goes around every corner of my house, and boasts her victory in the ears of whoever will lend her a moment's attention. 

Tugging at the roots of my hair, I part my lips as a yell rips through me and out into the open air. Arohi and I can be nothing other than enemies. And the sooner I fit this into my head, the better it'll be for me. After all, emotions never fair well for a person like myself. My world has no space for them. Time and again, I have learnt this, and today is another ideal day for me to reinforce this belief of mine. Frankly, the only emotion that I have space for in my world is, selfishness. Nothing more, and nothing else. 

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