Memories In The Making

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"Shut up, Singhania." I blurt out. Oh for crying out loud, how in the world did these words escape my lips, instead of the apologies I've been rehearsing for half the night now? However, for a change, I don't really mean my words at all. In fact, as long as he's healthy and safe, I'll bear with Singhania's nonsensical talks for as long as I must. 

"Were you not singing a completely different tune just a while back, Princess?" Singhania asks, as I pull the window shut. Truth be told, every nerve in my system is yelling for me to turn around and lay my eyes upon my friend. However, I am fighting the urge to do so. Regardless of whatever emotions of concern I bear for Singhania, portraying it to him would cost me too high of a price. After all, he cannot score another victory against me. 

"Wait a second," I say, holding up my index finger as I pivot. Singhania can barely keep his eyes open, as his eyelids wage a war against him. The cloud of drowsiness is quite visibly lurking in his brown orbs. 

"Weren't you unconscious?" I ask, as I make my way towards his side. 

"Well..." Singhania trails off, as he tries to adorn a smile for me. However, I can see that this simple action is also taking up quite a bit of effort now. Nonetheless, Singhania manages to flash me a lazy smile, which doesn't reach his eyes. Lord, I hate to see my friend in this state. I'm used to the man whose eyes are always twinkling with mischief, and not this one, who is weighed down by the effect of concoctions, and injuries. 

"I was, until just a while back." Singhania's speech is slurred, his words just barely above a whisper. "But you know what, Princess? Hearing you say all those good things to me...I didn't want you to stop. So instead of opening my eyes and ruining the moment, I decided to enjoy heaven while it lasted." 

"I see your old tricks haven't left your system," I comment, rolling my eyes. However, despite myself, I am unable to suppress a smile from tugging my lips upwards. "At least now I know that you haven't suffered through any mental injuries." For some reason, I find my hands finding Singhania's once again. Without a second thought, I envelope his palm, almost as if it's always belonged between the both of mine. Although this action of mine may not seem odd to me, it surely effects Singhania. I watch as his eyes trail down towards our hands, and for a few seconds, he continues to stare at them. 

"Um..." I begin, unsure of how to explain my actions. I mean, Singhania will most certainly be wanting an answer from me, if only I had one for myself. "I...I had heard that warming the palm is good for healing," I lie. What in the world did I just say? Squeezing my eyes shut, I mentally cringe at the utter bull that I spewed from my lips. Instead of embarrassing myself any further, I should simply let Singhania's hand go and end this matter right here. However, as I stare down at our hands, this thought doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. 

"Indeed, Princess," Singhania agrees, meeting my gaze. "I, too, had heard of this remedy. It magically heals, you know? And we most certainly should not leave any stone unturned for my recovery, of course." Pursing my lips, I glance down at my feet, as tendrils of heat shoot up through the skin of my cheeks. Perhaps I'm getting a fever. 

"Go back to sleep, Singhania." I grumble. "You're a much better listener when in that state." 

"Oh, but when my eyes shut, I know that yours gather pearls." Singhania's words draw my attention back towards him. Smiling, he tsks. "The Warrior Princess shouldn't waste such precious beads for me." 

"I wasn't crying for you, Singhania," I spit through gritted teeth. 

"And so to prevent that misfortune from taking place." My friend continues, playing deaf to the words that are coming out of my lips. "I must stay awake. It's a tough task to do, but with such a lady by my side to keep me company, I'm sure I'll manage just fine." 

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