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"You know, Princess, maybe it's my fault that I forgot to remind you. But you were supposed to grab your tongue before we left the palace." Singhania says, as we stroll through the market. Ever since we arrived here that's all we've been doing; roaming the streets aimlessly, without exchanging a single word of conversation. Not once has Singhania stopped at a stall, and purchased something. Perhaps he's one of those stingy kings. "What I'm trying to say is, you're so quiet, Princess that I'm sure you've forgotten your tongue in your room." Pursing my lips, I glare at Singhania through the corner of my eye. Truth be told, I am in no mood for his stupid jokes.

"It would have been in your best interests had you left your tongue at the palace." I reply curtly, refusing to meet his gaze. "Singhania, if you don't start buying items in the next second, I swear to the heavens above that I will make a U-turn, and head back to the palace. You've wasted enough of my time as it is." Reaching out, I pass my fingers over a shawl that's hung up at a stall. At times, I truly wish that I could stock up my closet with such rarities. However, feminine items have no space in my wardrobe. Sighing, I return my hand back to my side, and fist it up. 

"Do you like it?" Singhania asks. Frowning, I realise that he is no longer beside me. Turning around, I find Singhania stationed in front of the stall which I just passed by. Raising his eyebrows, he points at the shawl. 

"Of course not," I reply hastily, shaking my head dismissively. "I-I don't wear all of that." 

"Oh," Singhania murmurs. Disappointed, he eyes the shawl. Turning around, I continue on my way. "Princess!" Singhania calls, jogging to reach my side. He grabs ahold of my forearm, gently pulling me to a stop. 

"Don't touch me." I say through gritted teeth, as I yank my arm out of his grasp. "What do you want?" The mere sight of Singhania's face irritates me now. 

"Look, I've got a confession to make." Singhania says, passing his fingers through his hair. "Frankly speaking, I've never shopped for any lady before. This is the first time that I'm being forced to do this job, and I'm extremely lost right now." Genuinely looking like a lost puppy, Singhania glances around the market, as if he's standing in an unknown realm.

"Is this the first time that your family has asked for gifts?" I question, folding my arms in front of my chest. Truth be told, watching Singhania admit to his struggles is highly fascinating for me. "Or have you always only selfishly shopped for yourself?" 

"No, that's not it." Singhania replies, as he tugs at the hem of his coat. "My staff has always done the dirty shopping work for me. I usually just explore the city, while they're busy doing the job. But this time around, you offered to come with, and I-I didn't want to give up on the chance to spend more time with you," Singhania admits. Once again, the so-called mighty King of Naiq has been caught in a lie. Why am I not surprised? For some reason, however, I'm not mad upon learning the truth. On the contrary, I'm oddly pleased at knowing Singhania's desperation to spend time with me. I guess I am good company to keep. Mentally patting myself on the back, I somehow manage to keep a straight-face.

"So now what, Singhania?" I ask, tapping my foot impatiently. "Let's head back to the palace, and your staff can come some other day and do the job for you." 

"No," Singhania exclaims, holding his hands out towards me, as if he's ready to grab hold of me the second I try to leave. "Maybe you can help me out? You're a lady, and that's why I'm one-hundred percent sure that you'll be able to guide me, and teach me the art of shopping for your kind." 

The refusal to Singhania's offer is sitting at the tip of my tongue. However, I hesitate from voicing it out loud, as my eyes glance around the stalls. Truth be told, I'll never be able to have the liberty to shop for myself like this. Nor will such a golden opportunity to indulge myself in various kinds of feminine accessories, and attire, ever come up again. Perhaps by using Singhania's weakness, I can live out my secret desire. After all, it has always been my wish to be able to handpick jewellery for myself, and pair it up with a matching outfit, just like how a normal lady would. Well, at least if not for myself, then I can do so for another woman, and live out my boxed in fantasies through her. 

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