Ailing Health

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"Have you named them yet?" Rohit asks, as he joins me on the floor, beside the turtle pond. 

"Um...No, actually," I reply, as I watch one of the turtles struggle to climb the pond's walls yet again. I do believe that the very same turtle repeatedly tries to accomplish this feat. "However, I have figured out the connection that these three share." Although, now that Rohit's brought the topic up, I should try my hand at naming the turtles. After all, we've been together a month now and they deserve to bear an identity of their own. 

"Care to share?" Curiously, Rohit looks at me for an answer. Pursing my lips, I nod my head. 

"So I'll keep it short and precise," I begin. "This one here is a male," I announce, pointing towards the struggling turtle, as he manages to partially climb the slippery walls of the pond. "While the other two are females." 

"Understood," Rohit chirps in, intently keeping track of my words and directions. 

"Now this female," I explain, pointing towards the one closest to me. "Is the lad's lover." Before the words have had the chance to escape my lips, I hear a scoff from the other side of the room. Offering Singhania a quick glare through the corner of my eye, I focus back on my narration. "And the other female in here is his mistress, or perhaps you could say she's a leech, who simply fails to leave him be." Rohit follows my line of sight, as we watch the mistress swim towards the male the second he plops back into the water, his efforts in escaping proving to be futile once again. 

"See!" I exclaim, as she nudges him with her head. Grinning, Rohit nods in agreement. However, I'm not so focused on his reaction as I am on the head that is desperately trying to peek out over our shoulders, and witness the proof of my words. Lord, Singhania has the attention span of a goldfish. After all, all it took was a short story about turtles, and the man is utterly distracted from his work.

"Ay, Arohi, it seems that you've figured out this love saga quite nicely." Rohit comments, as I grin proudly at my newfound pets. "Wait a minute...Where is Mr. Romeo's heart at, though?" 

"Truth be told, I think he is leaning towards our Juliet, and not the leech." I say, pouting because I haven't quite figured out our male turtle's emotions just yet. "I mean, he does swim towards Juliet quite often." As if on cue, the former begins to make his way towards the latter, not so much as glancing back at his mistress. Letting out a bark of laughter, Rohit glances towards Singhania over his shoulder. 

"You know who these three turtles remind me of?" Rohit asks, his gaze flitting in between his friend and me. "You, Arohi and Anusha." 

"I do not love him!" I announce.

"I do not love her!" Simultaneously, Singhania makes his emotions quite clear as well. As if they weren't out in the open already. Raising his palms, Rohit rises to his feet. 

"Okay then," he sighs, just as urgent, insistent knocking ensues from the other side of the door. At once, Rohit rushes towards the source of the sound. Truth be told, the only plausible cause for this commotion is a blazing fire. 

"Ay, whatever's the matter?" Rohit asks, pulling open the door. Casting my gaze over my shoulder, I find a panting guard standing on the other side of the door, droplets of sweat lining the entirety of his forehead. Frowning, I stand up, my fingers clutching onto the hilt of my dagger at once, which is hanging low on my belt; ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. 

"His Highness' grandmother," the guard pants out, gulping. "She's collapsed." At once, my stomach plummets to the ground. For the past few days, Dadi has been keeping unwell. However, the physician had told me that there's absolutely nothing to worry about. Before the gears of my mind are able to fully comprehend the situation, Singhania has already shot out of his chair, and made a beeline towards the door. Knocking his shoulder into Rohit's, I watch as Singhania bolts out of the study and towards his grandmother's chambers, I'm sure. 

"Arohi, are you coming?" Rohit asks, turning around to face me. He's already halfway out of the study. Nodding my head, I make my way towards him. 

"Let's go," I say, as we both rush down towards Dadi's chambers as well. 

"Arjun!" Rohit calls, our hasty steps nearing our destination. However, turning a deaf ear to his friend's call, Singhania yanks open the door to Dadi's chambers and strides in, the wooden structure lying open in his wake. Although Rohit follows close behind Singhania's heels, I slow my pace down. Perhaps now is not such a good time to rush in alongside the two men. I mean, they're family, whereas I'm not. I'll just wait it out in the corridor until they both exit, and then I can go check up on Dadi all by myself. 

Biting down on my lower lip, I begin to pace across the hallway, anxiety fuelling my restlessness. Truth be told, over the past month - ever since I met her - Dadi and I have grown exceptionally close. In fact, every evening we share a cup of tea together, and that is the time of the day I most look forward to. Perhaps that warm drink is the secret to our growing bond. Unlike how wrongfully I judged Singhania when I first met him, I didn't misunderstand Dadi's character. If anything, now more than ever, I can guarantee the fact that Dadi is the human encompassment of a warm summer. From the time that I enter her chambers to the very second that I exit it, there is a permanent smile etched onto my face. Truth be told, the experiences that she shares with me, and the knowledge I attain from it all, is something that I shall never be able to seek out in novels. Smiling, I wrap my arms around my front. In a way, Dadi reminds me of my father, and for that I will be ever grateful to her. Or else these suffocating palace walls would surely narrow down on me. 

"What the fuck do you mean?" Singhania growls from Dadi's chambers. At once, my head snaps in the direction of his voice. If only the guard had not shut the door, perhaps I would've been able to sneak a quick peek, and figure out what in the world is going on in there. After all, Rohit and Singhania seem to have been stuck in Dadi's chambers for a while longer than should be necessary. 

"How dare you say that?" Singhania yells, as I hear something clatter to the ground. Frowning, I bite down on my tongue, the metallic taste of blood spreading through my mouth. What in the world is Singhania causing a commotion in there for? Instead of speaking in hushed tones, and maintaining peace for Dadi's sake, he seems to be waging a war in there.

"Lord," I murmur under my breath, as my neck keeps ticking in the direction of Dadi's chambers. 

"Do you hear the bullshit that he's spewing?" Singhania yells, his voice once again drilling out through the door, and straight into my ears. Upon hearing something shatter to the ground, I divert my steps in the direction of Dadi's chambers. To the dungeons with respecting the family's privacy! However, before I can make it halfway down the corridor, the chamber door flies open, banging against the wall. Halting in my steps, I watch as Singhania marches out. Frown lines are masking every inch of his forehead, his gaze focused on the ground. 

"I-Is everything alright?" I blurt out, keeping aside our enmity for the moment. Stopping in his tracks with a jerk, Singhania meets my gaze; his brown orbs clouded over with...tears? Lord, is Singhania crying? 

"You." He spits in a low tone, jabbing his index finger in my face. "Ever since I brought you here, all that you've done is screw with me, and my life." Scrunching up his face in disgust, Singhania shakes his head at me. "You're no blessing in disguise, Princess. You're a fucking curse." 

"What did I - "

"Dadi was perfectly healthy before you came along." Singhania yells, interrupting me. Shutting my eyes, I wince at his sudden outburst. "But ever since you've started having those oh-so-lovely tea dates with Dadi, her health has suddenly begun to ail. What've you been adding in her tea, huh?" Upon hearing Singhania's words, I am rendered utterly speechless. 

"How dare you?" I whisper, unsure of what else to say. Is Singhania accusing me of attempting to murder his grandmother? 

"Slow poisoning, right? Isn't that it?" He asks, his reddened eyes demanding an answer from mine. "I must say, Princess, it's a job well done. There's no hope left for Dadi now." 

"There's no hope left for Dadi now." These words knock into my stomach like an unexpected blow. Truth be told, after hearing this I couldn't care less about the accusations that Singhania has laid on me. Dadi's health can't possibly be this serious. No, Singhania is exaggerating the truth of the matter. 

"N-No," I whisper, shaking my head, as I head past Singhania and rush into Dadi's chambers. 

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