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"Rohit, I thought everyone's access was forbidden to this side of the grounds." I voice out loud, as he pushes open a wrought iron gate. In protest, the poor barrier creaks. However, I'm not surprised that it does so. After all, every time I've passed from here, this gate's handle has been complemented by a heavy, intimidating padlock. In fact, almost as if that wasn't protection enough, I can still picture the metal chains that would hold the ensemble together in place.

"It was," Rohit confirms, making his way through the gate and towards whatever lies beyond. "Until tonight, I guess." Offering me a quick glance over his shoulder, Rohit grins at me. "Come along, Arohi," he urges, gesturing for me to keep up with his surefooted pace. However, I'm feeling anything but confident. 

Hesitantly, I continue to eye the gate. It's constructed quite simplistically, which bears a sharp contrast to the other structures of the palace. In fact, I've always thought that this particular gate doesn't fit in with the luxurious designs of this place at all. Regardless of its mundane design, though, the gate bears seven spikes that are protruding out of it. Truth be told, if someone were to shut this, and padlock it once again, escaping over it would not be a piece of cake. I bet if I tried doing so, I'd injure myself in haste. 

"Arohi!" Rohit calls impatiently. By now, due to the distance and shrouding darkness of the night, his silhouette is all that I can see. Instinctively, I find my fingers clasping around the hilt of the dagger that's neatly tucked into my belt, hidden under the folds of my night robe. Truth be told, this weapon is my source of reassurance, especially now that Rohit is guiding me into unknown territory. 

"I'm right behind you!" I yell, pushing the gate open even further, as I trace Rohit's steps. However, before I can take so much as two steps in the desired direction, the corner of my eye catches onto something. Squinting, so as to gain a better visual, I turn in the direction of a wooden sign. Although, I must admit, this sign is quite odd, for instead of words or directions, it bears the imprint of two palms; one pair which seems to belong to a child, which has been stamped across the wood in blue, whereas the other is made with red, the latter seemingly belonging to an adult. Who could these handprints belong to? More importantly, I now know that someone does have access to this side of the palace grounds, but who? 

Hurriedly, bypassing the sign, I make my way towards where Rohit's waiting for me at the end of the gravel path. However, once I reach his side, instead of guiding me any further, Rohit claps his hands together, glancing towards his left. 

"I've been instructed to bring you till here," Rohit explains, nodding towards the pathway that lies beyond the point where we've stopped at. "From here onwards, Arohi, you have to carry on without me." 

"You're so dramatic, Rohit." I comment, following his line of sight. Truth be told, I can see nothing but pitch darkness up ahead. "Truth be told, Rohit, a curtain of ebony is all that I can witness up ahead. I swear to the Lord above if this is some silly prank of Singhania's - "

"Ay, trust me just this once when I say that it isn't, Arohi," Rohit interrupts me. Diverting my gaze back towards Rohit, I eye him warily. 

"I have faith in you at all times, Rohit, up until Singhania comes into the picture," I confess truthfully. "For when it comes to him, I know where your loyalties lie, and I'm not complaining, of course." Truth be told, I have no qualms with whose side Rohit chooses. However, I do have an issue with his choice when I'm caught in the middle of it all. 

"Arjun's put in a hell lot of effort into whatever he's done, Arohi." Rohit says, a fond grin breaking out across his face. "I'm not lying when I say this is the first time in a long while that I've seen him genuinely passionate about doing something. I'm glad," Rohit adds as an afterthought. "So all that I'll request of you, Arohi, is for you to appreciate him, even if it's for just a moment." Pursing my lips, I stare at Rohit blankly. Judging from the sigh of resignation that he releases, I can tell that Rohit has understood my silent response. 

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